Chapter 28

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"Rue! Rue! Get up!" I heard a urgent voice shout me awake. I jumped from the spot next to the bed where I had fallen asleep.

Zeiden was still asleep and Thomas was shaking my shoulders shouting at me to wake up. I blinked my eyes to see him scared and panicked. "What happened Thomas?" I asked when he began to pull me out the room running outside.

I let him stumbling when I couldn't take it anymore and stopped him. "Thomas! Tell me what the hell happened! Now!" I growled worried but slightly angry too.

I shook him trying to snap him out of the gibberish he was saying. Then I noticed the tears that were marked in his cheek. Thomas was crying. "Thomas tell me what happened?!" I said let patiently.

"Sam, it's Sam! Rue! I am so sorry!" Thomas cried out dropping on the floor.

"Sam? Thomas! Tell me what happened to Sam!" I ordered my voice boomed loudly in my alpha voice. 

Thomas hiccuped between sob he said, "They...took the day care." He let out and at once I took off straight to the day care. No! No! Not Sam! That Bastard Brandon! I swear I will kill you if you put a hand on my baby boy!

I rushed to the day care seeing the place swarming with guards and other nosey pack mate. I ignored them all running pass their bows and down the path. That's when I saw the blood.

So much blood and children bodies were scattered over the playground. It wasn't until know that I noticed how dark and cold the sky looked as if it too was furious by the horribly evil act that just occurred. My eyes looked over the bodies of they children I had meet but a few days ago. The bubbly and happy children that ran at me. That laughed and still had their whole lives ahead of them.

Even with all the death I couldn't help but feel relieved when I didn't spot Sam on the ground with them. "Rue?" I heard a voice call out behind me. Mason.

"What happened here? Where's Sam? Mason where is Sam?" I asked gripping Mason's arms tightly. Desperately.

Mason looked down ashamed as he said, "The rouges broke the border defense. It all happened so quickly. The men were all heading to the pack house thinking the rouges were too but they never got there. We heard screaming but we were too late. The rouges had killed the children and...they took Sam, Rue." He said looking up at me with teary eyes.

"No! No!" I mumble but looking around I knew it wasn't a lie. Then I imagined all the parents of these small children. How they must feel at that moment. At least my child was still alive. I knew he was.

"Rue....," Mason's voice drowned out like I was underwater again,"..RUE!" I could see Mason's mouth moving but no word let his mouth. Then I get the familiar hot dangerous fire burning in me. It was different than those years ago. This time I was so angry and afraid of the thought of something happening to Sam that I controlled the fire. I could feel it in my palm waiting for my order.

I shook Mason off easily turning around only now noticing that there was a group of pack mates crying heart shatteringly. The parents. These were my pack mates I had disappointed and there was only one thought in my mind to fix this.

I walked to them feeling my body shaking with power and the need to shift. The blue flame in my eyes and burning hot on my shoulder. They looked up at me with broken eyes and heart. "I will make them pay! I will kill them all for what they did!" I promised them my voice no longer human. It was more of an animalistic voice mixed with undeniable anger.

I saw some of the parents nod my way and other just cried harder at my words. I was about to run into the forest when I felt Mason's hard grip on my arm again. "Rue! Don't do this! This is what he wants! He wants you to go to them. They will kill you if you do!" Mason begged me as I ignored him shaking him off. I ran to the wood hearing him say, "Think about Zeiden! Think about the pack! We need you!" He shouted but I was to far in my bloodlust for the rouges that I shook all the words off.

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