fact #3 -7

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Fact #3
-September 1914 Russia defeated Austria-Hungary twice.
December 1914 Austria turned it around with Russia.

Fact #4
Austria-Hungary started WW1 when they declared war on Serbia when they couldn't pay the stuff they owe after a 19-year-old assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28th, 1914. Yeah, that happened. Then Russia, an ally to Serbia, mobilized troops to the borders of Serbia and Austria-Hungary. Then Germany, being the idiots they are, declares war on Russia.

Fact #5:How America entered the war:
So at first everything was fine with the U. S. and they're staying out of the war right? Well, Germany had halted the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare in 1915 after the sinking of the Lusitania which pisses off the United States but not enough for us to get into the war. Until 1917 when the Zimmerman Telegram written by Germany's foreign secretary to Mexico says that if they help out in a war that they will gain all the land that was lost to the U. S. Of course this is what caused the United States to go into the war.

Fact #6
Spain was actually on the side of Germany but didn't fight in either of the wars because it was the smart thing to do.

Fact #7
So before Italy had even joined the war they had switched sides with the central powers to the allied powers. Therefore, when they had joined to action they were fighting against their former allies.

Welp, that was today facts I hope y'all enjoy!

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