Fact #9

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So it came to my notice that not very many people know why countries join a war. Well, since everyone knows how America joined WWII I don't have to worry about that. But when it comes to WWI that's a different story. You see there are two reasons why America joined the Great war and they both have to do with Germany.
The reason was a ship that was sunk by the Germans. That ship not only had civilians on it but also war supplies that were being smuggled into Britain. Now during this time, both sides of the war tried not to kill civilian life. But a German sub was ordered to sink the civilian ship. Americans were on that ship as well so America was angered but didn't join. The last straw was when the Germans try to send a British telegram to Mexico asking them to keep America out of the war they will get the land they lost to America back.
Okay, A. that's a stupid idea, B. Mexico knows what America is capable of so they didn't do it. But this telegram was intercepted by the British and they sent a letter to the President of the United States about this.

But they joined in late and they weren't recognized as an ally....come on people! We pushed back the Germans!

Well, there ya have it with a little humor. Remember you are loved! -Shycat ❤

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