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Practice was brutal, but it seemed like that was always going to be the case.

When Coach Silva and Merton decided to end it, they brought us to center ice to tell us who we would be rooming with once we got to the hotel. Of course, I was stuck with Fox, Ian, and Josh.

The hotel was just five minutes away from the rink and everyone excitedly ran up to their rooms, probably happy to be away from adult supervision for a few hours. I lazily followed behind Fox, Ian, and Josh into the elevator and then down the hall on the third floor to our room.

Fox opened our door and the four of us went in, Josh and Ian running to fight for the bed by the window.

"I called it on the bus, Josh," Ian snapped, lying back on the bed and shoving Josh away with his foot.

"You know I need to be near the window," Josh complained. "Can we share?"

My eyes widened at his words and I quickly shook my head, though nobody was looking at me. My words were lodged in my throat and I was stuck in a panic.

"You're sharing with your brother," Fox cut in, dropping his bag next to the bed by the window. I silently thanked him and let out a breath of relief as I sat down on the bed that Josh and I would be sharing.

If I had to share a bed with Fox, I would have ended up on the floor.

Josh let out a long sigh before sitting down on the bed beside me and throwing himself back so he was lying down. I took two pillows on the bed and set up a barrier in the middle, similar to what Ian was doing on his bed. It was such a straight guy thing to do, but it was a force of habit I gained from my old team.

After setting up our barrier and taking my shoes off, I lied back on the bed. When my head hit the pillow, I crossed my hands on my stomach and began to doze off.

"Are you seriously going to sleep again?" I heard Josh ask me. I could feel that he was leaning over the pillow barrier, disregarding it's purpose.

"That's what I'm about to do," Ian said.

"You already slept on the bus this morning," Josh told me, completely ignoring Ian.

"Wake me up when we need to go," I replied, keeping my eyes closed.

Josh didn't reply and soon a comfortable slumber consumed me.

Later on, I woke up to Josh and Fox talking. I rolled over on the bed, hoping to get some more rest before the game. Fox laughed at something Josh said and the sound was like a melody.

He was always so serious, but when he let himself calm down for a moment, I realized the true him was softer than he wanted to let on. His laugh was smooth and melodic. It reminded me of honey, sweet and something that would stick with you. Even if I never heard it again, I would remember that sound.

I sat up in bed, stretching my arms above my head and let out a long yawn, my jaw aching from being open so wide.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Josh sarcastically remarked.

"What time is it?" I rasped, feeling around the bed for my phone and not finding it.

"Almost four. We need to go catch an early dinner soon. Coach doesn't want us eating too close to game time."

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