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Third Person

Josh sat on the couch with his head in his hands as he relived the argument that had just occurred with Elijah. He knew he shouldn't have said those things to him, but his emotions had gotten the better of him.

He didn't know what he could say to make it better, but he knew that he had to say something. Elijah was already insecure about his life here, and Josh had only made it worse with what he said.

The guilt consumed him within an hour after the argument, causing him to stand up from the couch and make his way to Elijah's room. He lightly tapped on the door with his knuckle and waited a few moments, but there was no answer.

"Elijah," Josh said, tapping the door again. "Hey, I'm sorry. Can we just talk?"

Again, there was no answer.

Despite his better judgement, Josh waited a few more moments before opening the door and letting himself inside. What he found was an empty room with an open window. He made his way over to the window and looked out. Elijah was nowhere in sight.

Josh sighed, shutting the window and turning around to leave the room. He was about to shut the door when he noticed Elijah's phone sitting on top of the dresser.

He shook his head with a tense jaw, thinking how irresponsible it was for him to leave without his phone. Josh then pulled out his own phone and decided to call Fox.

"Hey," Fox answered. "If you're going to ask about going to Ryan's tonight, I'm probably just going to stay home. I'm not in the mood."

"I was gonna ask if Elijah went back to your house," Josh told him.

"He left a while ago. I assumed you picked him up," Fox said.

"I did and then we got in a fight and he left without taking his phone," Josh said with a sigh.

He could admit to himself that he just assumed Elijah would go back to Fox. He didn't know his brother well enough to know anywhere else he would go.

"He's not here," Fox said. "If he comes around I'll let you know."


After hanging up the phone, he went back downstairs.

Josh didn't begin to worry until it got dark out and started to rain. The last thing he wanted was for Elijah to be walking around at night in the rain. Who knew what could happen.

It was only because of Josh's worry that he went back into Elijah's room and grabbed his phone and put in the passcode he had seen Elijah use. Josh didn't want to have to do what he did next, but his paranoia was eating him alive.

"Hello, Elijah," Trevor answered the phone in a bright tone after two rings.

Josh cleared his throat and awkwardly replied, "It's uh... it's Josh."

"Oh!" Trevor said, sounding surprised. "Hi."

"I'm assuming Elijah's not with you?" Josh asked, trying to move past the discomfort he felt.

"He's not. Is everything okay?" Trevor asked in a sincere tone.

"He just went out without taking his phone. I thought maybe he'd be with you," Josh explained. "Give me a call if he shows up?"

"Of course," Trevor instantly replied.

The two of them stayed on the line for a few awkward moments before Josh choked out a strangled "thanks" and hung up the phone.

His own phone was lighting up with texts from Ryan asking where he, Fox, and Elijah were, making it clear that Elijah had not gone to Ryan's place for the game.

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