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Comfort was something I rarely ever felt. I always felt out of place, like I didn't belong.

Lying down on Fox's bed, his arms wrapped around me, his fingers playing with the hem of my shirt and brushing against the skin just above the waist of my pants, was comfortable. In his arms, with my head resting on his chest, was a place I belonged.

I never had this with anyone else, feeling so close that I could lay with them in silence and be entirely content. With Fox, everything was different. Everything made sense.

It was just about seven PM when Fox and I decided to head over to Ryan's. His party wasn't set to kick off for another hour, but he insisted the guys get there early.

When we got downstairs, we were greeted by Fox's parents in the living room.

"So we've been talking," Leo started, glancing at each of us.

Fox sighed, giving his father an impatient look.

"Don't give me attitude," Leo chastised, though he didn't sound all that serious.

"We were just thinking," Vanessa interjected. "Since you guys are dating, maybe we shouldn't be letting you upstairs with the door closed."

My face flushed while Fox scoffed.

"I think it's a little late for that," Fox said, glancing at his parents with raised eyebrows.

"Fox," I said through gritted teeth, smacking him on the shoulder with the back of my hand.

"He's kinda right," Leo said in a light tone, shrugging as he looked to his wife.

Vanessa gave him a stern look, her hands on her hips as she shook her head at him.

"That's what responsible parents do," Vanessa said.

"We're not responsible parents," Leo pointed out.

"We're leaving," Fox announced, grabbing onto my hand and leading me out of the house.

I said goodbye to his parents before he pulled me out of the house.

"They're going to be insufferable," Fox complained, walking with me to my car.

I chuckled. "Maybe."

"Are you taking your car?" Fox asked as he noticed me unlocking it.

"I have to go pick Josh up," I told him, opening the door.

"How about you drop the car off for him and then ride with me," he suggested with a grin.

"I guess I could do that," I replied, my expression matching his.

Fox followed closely behind me all the way to my house and I crookedly parked in the driveway once we got there. Dad was in the middle of taking out the trash when the two of us pulled up, waving us over.

"Are you guys heading out?" Dad asked when we each stepped out of our cars.

"Yeah I was just dropping the car off for Josh," I told him, glancing over at Fox who appeared to have an uneasy expression on his face.

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