Chapter 10

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Rebel's POV

When I had come to and realized what I had done to Aero I ran. I ran out of that room, out of the house and into the woods. I fell to my knees in the woods sobbing, the purple marks I had left on Aero's throat burned into my mind.

I hadn't been there long when I felt Ty wrap his arms around me, "Shh, Rebel it was an accident, Aero is fine. He knows you didn't mean to hurt him." He whispered calming my sobs.

"I'm a monster Ty, he made me a monster that harmed her mate." I sobbed into his chest.

I felt his arms tighten around me, "You are not s monster you hear me. Quinn is the monster for what he did to you. You are nothing like him and don't you dare for a second think any different." He sternly told me and all I could do was nod.

He was right Quinn was a monster and I let him live. He's the monster in my dreams that I can't seem to get rid of almost three years later. "You need to tell Aero, he deserves to know." He told me and I nodded. After tonight and what I did Aero deserves to know about my monster that I've tried to keep locked away.

"Rebel!" We heard Aero shouting and Ty helped me up.

"I'm only a mind link away if you need me." He whispered as he kissed the top of my head and we followed Aero's voice.

"Rebel thank the goddess." He said as he ran up and wrapped his arms around me. Ty walked back towards the house as I sobbed into Aero's chest.

After a few minutes I composed myself and pulled back. The marks on his neck fading but still there. "I'm so sorry I hurt you." I whispered as my fingers gently grazed the marks.

"It's alright, I'm fine. I'm more worried about you Rebel. Who is Quinn and what did he do to you?" His voice soft as he held my face in his hands.

"It's a long story, but you deserve to know. It all started after I had stumbled into my father pack and had been attacked by a feral. They took me in and helped me recover and we soon found out I was his missing daughter. Once I was released from the hospital I began training. I had met most of the pack as well since my father had introduced me as his daughter and the future Rogue Queen.

I had been there about 6 months but I was still weak as I had been through 18 years of abuse. That's when I met Quinn. He was a warrior who had been born a rogue. When his mother died he somehow managed to find my father's pack and they accepted him about two years before I ended up there. He was sweet and caring at first and we quickly became friends. Everyone knew I got rejected by my mate but no one seemed to care. Quinn must've seen me as an opportunity as he put on the charm and I fell for it. We started dating and things were heating up fast. I still didn't want to have sex or let him mark me as I knew he had to have a mate out there somewhere. So after four months of him constantly begging to mate and mark me he decided he was done waiting. He took me on a date out in a field by our border. Everything was going great and we started kissing. Things were heating up and when he pulled on my shorts I broke the kiss telling him no, that I wasn't ready and that he had a mate out there.

"He proceeded to punch me in the face and growled that I was a tease and he didn't care about his mate he wanted to be King Of this Pack and I was the key to that. I tried fighting him but I was much weaker then him. He ripped my shirt and shorts as he began biting me all over hard. I was screaming and crying, begging for him to stop so he just continued to punch me. Eventually he had flipped me over on my stomach and shoved my face into the ground by my hair. He ripped my panties off and began raping my backside as I was still screaming and crying in pain. Once he was about to cum he lifted my head up by my throat and began looking for the spot to mark me. By this time I was exhausted and I couldn't fight back anymore as he had broken one of my arms.

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