Chapter 12

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Aero's POV

"Why didn't you tell me this when you read about the knife?" I was pissed when I found out she didn't tell me everything about this knife.

"Because then you would've gone without me and probably got yourself killed." She said as if I was an insolent child and I lost it.

"So you withheld information because you think what? I'm too stupid to figure this shit out? Or that I'm such an incompetent person without you that I would've failed? You know I was doing perfectly fine before you walked into my life I don't need you to coddle me!" I screamed at her. I knew the moment the words left my mouth I wished I could take them back as anger and hurt took over Rebel's features.

"No you jackass! You ever think maybe it's because I need you? That maybe I didn't tell you because I fucking love you and didn't want anything to happen to you!" She yelled back as tears began to fall from her beautiful blue eyes. Tears that I had caused and I felt like a jackass, she loves me and this is how I show her I care.

Just as I found my voice and was about to apologize she took off across the tiles. "Rebel!" I shouted as I went after her. I followed each step she took and somehow she had managed to step on all the right tiles.

We had two more to go and Rebel tripped and landed on a wrong tile as I heard the clicking of the trap being triggered. Without thinking I dove and grabbed her as we skidded to the other side just as the arrows flew past were we just were.

She was laying underneath me and we were both breathing hard. She still had tears in her eyes and my heart ached that I was the cause of them. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I love you too so much it hurts. I was a jackass, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you." I told her honestly and she pulled me down till our lips met.

"I forgive you, thank you for saving my clumsy ass." She said trying to ease the tension.

I laughed as I helped her up, "your clumsy ass is mine so I will always be there to save it." I placed a soft kiss on her forehead as we made our way to the next room.

This room was a room made out of nightmares. There were more tiles but they were spaced out around these paper thing stings. If one of the strings snapped or the tiles were pressed it would trigger another trap. We somehow managed to carefully weave our way through and made it to the other side without setting any off.

The next room however had the knife, and just like the movies Rebel talked about we knew this was too easy. "Alright well I guess we just grab the knife and run." She said as we slowly made our way up to it.

"I don't know that just seems like we are asking for trouble." I told her as we made it up to the knife.

"Well you got a better idea because I don't know what else to do." She huffed and I tried to remember the last riddle.

"I may be sharp but don't be scared, as long as you are a mated pair, you better be quick, cuz times running out, this room will fill from the water spout." I repeated the last riddle and I watched as Rebels eyes widened.

"Grab the knife let's go!" She shouted just as water started pouring from these holes in the ceiling and the door we came in started to close.

I grabbed the knife and we took off towards the door. Rebel slid under it with more then enough space and I was right behind her. I had barely made it through when the door sealed shut. "I guess your plan was the best plan." I chuckled and she shook her head.

"Remind me to never meet your grand father or I may just punch him." She said as she began ringing out the water from her hair.

We made it back to the entrance and back to everyone in one piece. The knife safely tucked away in my bag. "Damn why are you guys soaked? Wait do we even want to know?" Kyle teased as Rebel punched him in the shoulder. "Ow, What was that for?!" He said bewildered.

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