ch 7

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They'd been married for six years, but Wei Kun had never questioned her in that tone.

Among the different masters of Duke Ying's residence, Wei Kun's disposition was the gentlest. Not quick-tempered like the eldest master (Wei Kun's oldest brother, first family branch), and not as impulsive as the second master, he was mild-mannered and refined. Because she liked that about him, Madam Du disregarded the fact that his mind was set on Jiang Miaolan, in order to get married into Duke Ying's household.

After getting married, Du Yueying did her best to please him in every possible way. Including in the bedroom, she had racked her brains to think of how to make him happy. She had believed she could gradually replace Jiang Miaolan in his heart. After all, that woman was gone, while she had the rest of their lifetime with him. But she slowly discovered that she couldn't enter Wei Kun's heart. He was good to her out of civility, rather than affection. They treated each other with mutual respect during the day, and the night activities resembled fulfilling a duty — once he was done, he wouldn't even say a few intimate words, but would just turn over and fall asleep.

That much, Du Yueying could still endure, until the day she found an old sachet under Wei Kun's pillow.

The sachet was embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water, a very common pattern, with an unskilled needlework, obviously the work of someone, who had just started learning embroidery. Du Yueying thought he was using a bad sachet, and didn't give it much consideration. In any case, it was old, and the Duke's residence had plenty of better ones, so she let the servants throw it away.

But later that day, after Wei Kun came back to find the sachet gone, instead of getting angry, his complexion turned ashen. His appearance was worse, than if he'd actually gotten angry. He asked where the servant had thrown away the sachet, and when the maidservant answered somewhere in the rear court, he didn't bother with her further, and rushed to the rear court to search.

So desperate and crazy, as if that sachet was his lifeblood. Without that sachet, he wouldn't be able to live.

Afterwards, Du Yueying came to know it was Jiang Miaolan, who'd given him that thing. At that time, Jiang Miaolan had been pregnant and could only embroider a little bit each day. Just as she's finished the sachet, the children had been born. That was the last and only thing she'd given Wei Kun before she left, no wonder it was his treasure.

That was the first time Madam Du clearly realized Jiang Miaolan's importance in Wei Kun's heart.

That issue was like a thorn lodged deep into her heart. She gradually found traces of Jiang Miaolan everywhere in her life. For example, he'd frequently look lost in thought as he stared at that sachet; or he'd laugh joyfully when he saw Wei Luo and Wei Changhong; or he'd be better to Wei Luo than to Wei Zheng... As time passed, she hated Jiang Miaolan more and more, and couldn't wait to remove her pair of daughter and son. Out of sight, out of mind!

So she secretly prepared all these plans.

Only when all traces of Jiang Miaolan were gone from his life, would he notice her and Zheng.

She thought the preparations were flawless, certain that there wasn't the smallest miscalculation. Who'd have expected that little girl Wei Luo would suddenly change midway, like a different person, and upset all her plans. She gritted her teeth. Not wishing to reveal her guilty conscience on her own, she smiled unhurriedly, and asked perplexed: "Why are you asking such a question? I brought Ah Luo to Huguo Temple to burn incense today, as everyone here knows. Did you forget?"

It was precisely because he didn't forget, that he was asking her. Wei Kun gripped the armrests, trying to control his emotions, "Is that why Ah Luo came back first? She went out together with you, but you didn't look after her well. If she had come across some danger, how would you explain this to me?"

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