ch 18

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Wei Luo immediately closed her mouth, her eyes opening wide as she watched him rather vigilantly.

She wasn't at home now, nor were the elders beside her, so her attitude towards him changed? Zhao Jie found her very interesting. Obviously a small child, yet different from the average child in all respects. Now that her front tooth had fallen out, she looked more like a little girl instead, both funny and cute.

Song Hui didn't know they were acquainted, and furthermore wasn't aware the person in front of him was Prince Jing. Zhao Jie hadn't returned to the capital for many years. When he had left, Song Hui had still been a child younger than ten years old. Now he had come back to the capital for more than a month, but hadn't made any public appearances, so it was normal for Song Hui not to recognize him.

Out of courtesy, Song Hui stepped to the side to make way, but seeing that the opposite party didn't move, he led Wei Luo towards a private dining room. However, they just took a step, when a guard dressed in cyan clothes easily blocked their path. Song Hui was a little startled, not understanding his intention, "This elder brother, is there something the matter?"

Zhu Geng didn't speak, he was merely following Zhao Jie's orders and nothing more.

Zhao Jie strolled toward Wei Luo, stopping in front of her. He bent down and lifted her chin with a smile in his eyes: "Open your mouth."

Wei Luo kept her mouth closed. He said to open, but if she immediately opened, wouldn't she lose face? Moreover, it looked like he was going to make fun of her. She definitely wouldn't listen to him.

The more she disobeyed, the more he wanted to make her obey. He was in a good mood today and didn't mind wasting some time with her here, so he used his other hand to pinch her little nose. He didn't use much strength, afraid that a pinch would break her. Initially, the little girl could still endure, but her cheeks gradually flushed as she held her breath. Her fine small face filled with indignation, she finally opened her mouth to say: "...Let go!"

Unfortunately, with a missing incisor, the words she spoke weren't too clear, but slightly unnatural. Zhao Jie's smile deepened more and more. Letting go of her tiny nose, he raised her chin to thoroughly look over her front teeth for a long time, and asked: "Will you still bite me now?"

Wei Luo lost face considerably, small children also had their dignity! She tightly pursed her soft pink lips and refused to acknowledge him.

From the side, Song Hui observed the two's familiar manner with each other, and couldn't hep but ask: "Excuse me, your excellency is?"

Zhao Jie released Ah Luo at that moment, and straightened up to look at Song Hui. He restrained the laughter in his eyes, and spoke with no arrogance: "Zhao, named Liqing."

Zhao was the country's surname, Liching was namely 'Jing'(peaceful). In the capital Sheng, very few could be called with the word 'Jing'. It was practically needless to ponder too much. Song Hui guessed his identity right away, and hurriedly performed a deep bow, saying: "So it turns out it was the Prince. I am Song Hui of Count Zhongyi's house. Forgive me for being dull, not recognizing the Prince."

His attitude was respectful and prudent, but he was a bit confused all along.

How did Ah Luo come to be acquainted with Prince Jing? In addition, looking at Prince Jing's behavior, he seemed very close to her. But Ah Luo was usually shut at home, rarely going out. How would she have the opportunity to meet Prince Jing?

Zhao Jie didn't answer his greeting. He lowered his head to shoot a glance at the little girl silently rubbing her nose, his lips raising as he asked: "Did young master Song bring this little sister out to for a meal?"

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