Mr Cuddles

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I sat on my bed, head in my hands, as a low groan escaped my lips. My algebra homework was just a bit two much after a whole day of school, and the fact that Aidan was sitting beside me bugging me to watch a movie didn't help the situation. He prodded me again, and somehow, those soft eyes convinced me not to get mad, and persuaded me instead.

"Alright, alright." I sighed, slamming my books on the floor and getting up to get some more comfortable clothes, because truly, no one likes to watch a movie in suffocatingly tight jeans.

"Where are you going?" He whimpered, grabbing my hand and softly pulling me back towards him.

"I'm going to change." I smiled, stroking his knuckles with my thumb softly until he let go.

Aidan had just come back from Toronto, and I was really happy about that, but whenever we were apart, all he wanted to do was cuddle and snuggle and any other synonym for those two words. Now, I was usually okay with this, in fact, it was one of my favorite things about him, how he reminded me of literal puppy, but when I was busy, it distracted me. However, the real issue was that I didn't mind being distracted.

I slipped into some pajama shorts and an oversised sweatshirt that Aidan had let me borrow before walking back into the room. Aidan grinned at me, wrapping an arm around my waist when I sat down and allowing me to rest my head on his chest. When I placed my ear to it, I felt his heart beat quicken, pumping faster as he pulled me closer. I smiled before kissing the underside of his jaw, enjoying it as he returned one to my forehead.

"This is nice." He whispered half way through the intro. "I wish we could do it more often."

"Me too, Mr Cuddles," I laughed, glancing up at him. "Me too."

ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᗯᗩᒪᒪ - Aidan Gallagher  imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now