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Jeffs POV

"Ben did you figure out who the guy we've been talking to name?" I asked slightly pissed off at the guy. who the hell does he think he is? I glare at Ben while waiting for any answer. "Well?"

"Well... you see their um.... a.... um girl" Ben finally spit out. I glance at my phone. I had been talking to a girl, well shit. She is like Jane then. I look around the room.

"A girl.... I'VE BEEN TALKING TO SOME BRATTY GIRL! FUCKIN BITCH!" I scream in Bens face. people start gathering in the living room to either see whats going on or to see a fight.

"Watch your language Jeffery" Slenderman warned, pointing a finger.

"What are you going to do about it" I shot back.

"Shut up Jeff you alright woke most of us up anyway," Jane yells.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH DO YOU WANNA FUCKING GO!" I scream at her getting my knife ready. suddenly but unsurprisingly I felt a tentacle around my waist.

Y/n's POV

I got on the bus and sat in my spot and put my headphones in. I start going throught my messages they were all from my friend, Jana/Megan. She was blowing up my phone because she thought that a cheese wedding would be funny to go to.

- - - - -

sTupId biTCh

- - - - - 

sTupId biTCh:


look @ dis

[insersts a weird link here]

I want this

wouldnt it be fun


is u 


rip y/n

a ded virgin

never even kissed a boy

what if a boy kiss u @ funeral

wouldnt that b nice

but like could it be a cheese funral 

with like kahoot about ur life

and who ever wins gets everthing that you have

cmon answer me

 im going to ur house tonight

i might egg it


i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuu

but like a cheese wedding



You texted me 20 times over a cheese wedding 

You are so over dramatic

I was on the bus and my data wasnt on

Calm your tits okay?

sTupId biTCh:


but like a cheese wedding

{sTupId biTCh has been blocked. They can no longer send messages to you}

I turn off my phone as we pull into round parking lot I walked off the bus just to be tackle hug from Jana/Megan. I scream in surprise Jana/Megan starts laughing like a crazy person. We get up and start walking into to hell...... school. 

"OMIGOD shhhhh your going get us into trouble" I whisper shout at my over dramatic friend. She brings her fake crying to some fake whimpers. I roll my eyes at her over dramaticness. 

"HEY WHAT ABOUT ME!" Someone from behind us screams. We turn around and we see [bff]. We stopp and wait for her to catch up to us. We finally get inside which toke forever with [bff]s slow ass walk. We got to the gym and sat down chatting and play on our phones before school started.

{5 New messages}

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