Twin Flamz 🔥

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Exhausted in my thoughts as my body starts to tingle with romance, love sifts through each crevice where the wind shifts its way into my heart. A strong sensational throb milks each mammary gland as a baby to a nipple taking its mothers milk. Feeling the strong urge to pull away but your face in retreat and expression so sweet. Such a delight to take in my giving away of something so sacred to myself. Embellishing garments for your eyes to seek pleasures in me. Indulge in what has been given unto you as you ignite my passion and invite your self into my expanse.
Traces of unseen images brought to surface that went unheard of only to cloud the capacities of our mentals focused on what was; When now is clear the fog has dissipated. Flame color has changed to reach the first 3 starting at the root to the sacral balancing and grounding themselves in a sensual moment. Panting in each breath we take as connected to an erotic explosion. Racing chills because of the condensation that which was hiding under our skin has no where to go but to expose itself to the feeling.
Harnessed in emotions on the edge of leaking with desire to be filled with a rushing spring to explore. All the tension waves have come subjected to the tide which came in and made me tremble inside out. Have I ever been made to feel like this with only thoughts I ask myself?
Silence, As you try so hard to hold on to your inclinations. Your actions speak otherwise because you're in control of this ride, driving careful but reckless with driven talents. You never ever cease to amaze me!!!! Go ahead ask me..As i whisper your answer in a sumptuous tone that makes you utter speaches from your lips. Shhhhh it made u anxious; shifting in another gear you changed your rythm. Slowly catching a wind to rise and fall a motion counter clockwise.

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