1. I'll take care of you (Joseph Liebgott).

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A/N Okay but have you ever noticed Lieb is almost always there to take care of someone if they get hit? Like Tipper in Carentan and Talbert later on when he gets stabbed? Being one hell of a Liebgott girl, this just lead me to wonder what if the reader gets hit? In this one, the reader is some kind of combat nurse.

Trigger warning!: loss of blood, blood in general

Please if you get triggered by blood or loss of blood or descriptions of wounds etc., do not proceed to continue reading this part.

Disclaimer!: The characters in this story are based on the characters from the television show, who were based on the real men.

As a combat nurse you were used to getting out of your hiding spot when other people were still sheltering from mortars and bullets. You were in Bastogne sitting in the medics' foxhole when you heard someone shouting. You immediately recognized it to be Joe Toye. "God damn it, Toye," you whispered, patting your pockets to make sure you had everything you needed "you only just got back."

You started making your way towards the noise, staying as low as you could. You could hear Buck and Lip shouting for everyone to stay down and in their foxholes in the background. But you didn't care, you were a nurse and this was your job. What you didn't expect was to see someone else making his way over to Joe as well, it was Bill Guarnere. You swallowed as you saw that Joe had lost his leg. It was laying not that far away from where he was on the ground in a puddle of his own blood. "Hey there buddy," Bill said. You crouched down, trying to bind of the leg as best as you could. "I can't get up, Bill," you heard Joe state weakly. "It's alright Joe, me and sergeant (L/N) are going to get you out of here." You stood up, helping Guarnere to carry Toye towards Buck Compton's fox hole.

He was yelling at you guys to hurry, as mortars hit around you, blasting snow and frozen dirt into your faces. "Why couldn't we have been shipped somewhere nice like Hawaii or something, huh boys? Some place nice and warm." you grumbled. "(L/N)! Guarnere! Move! Move!" Buck yelled to encourage you, when you heard him yell to watch out, you wanted to get down, but you were too late.

Before you had the chance to react, you could feel yourself being blown to your right by a strong force. Dirt and snow hit your face as you landed on the ground.You struggled to take a breath. Your upper body felt numb but you could feel an intense pain in your upper right thigh. You cursed, you must have been hit by a piece of shrapnel. You tried to orientate yourself, to figure out where the other guys were, but your ears were ringing. You closed your eyes and swallowed, trying to get yourself to breathe steadily. You needed to clear your head, but the ringing in your ears made your brain fuzzy. You slowly turned your head. Your eyes widened, there was so much blood, you didn't know whose it was. You blinked as you tried to get your eyes to focus so you could figure out what was going on. You could faintly hear someone calling for a medic in the background.

You coughed, trying to find your voice. "Bill?" you asked softly, your voice nothing more than a rasp "Joe?" You could see both the men move a little, even though you tried you couldn't get up to go and help them. The ringing in your ears slowly started to subdue.

"Should have freaking known," you said, shaking your head. "First Toye gets hit twice by grenades back in Normandy, of course he would get hit twice by mortars here." "Shut it (L/N)," Toye growled at you. Even though his voice had become so small that it didn't sound intimidating at all.

You could hear Guarnere snort. You saw Eugene Roe rushing over to you three, trying to evaluate who needed help first. You smiled at him "Hey 'Gene," you said as he crouched down beside Bill. "Hey (Y/N/N)," he spoke.

Then, you could feel two strong arms pulling you into a warm and strong chest. You looked up to see Joe Liebgott holding you, his eyes worried. "Hey there (Y/N), you're going to be just fine okay? Doc will help you and you will be just fine." You frowned at him, you had seen this look before. Hell, you had even used that look before. You used it on men who were severely wounded. You frowned in confusion. There was nothing wrong with you, right? Just a shrapnel wound, which hurt, but you weren't going to die, right? "Why are you looking at me like that Joe?" you asked, fear starting to grow in your chest.

You lifted your head slightly, so you could look at your own body. It was weird to look at it like that, it didn't seem like yours. You were right, your thigh had been struck by a piece of shrapnel, your pants were stained with red. You were also bleeding from your abdomen, and just as Toye had been before, you were laying in a puddle of your own blood. You saw Joe's hand reach out to the piece of shrapnel sticking from your thigh to pull it out, "No wait," you croaked. "It will probably start bleeding more if you pull it out, let's wait for Doc." He nodded. But Joe was now frowning at your shoulder, why was he frowning at your shoulder? Had you been hit by another piece of shrapnel, without seeing it? Your heart was thumping in your chest as you turned your head again, gasping. Why hadn't you noticed it before? Your hand wasn't there, your whole arm was missing. You looked at the remains of it in shock. That couldn't be your arm, could it? Why didn't you feel that you were missing an entire limb?

You tried to breathe as you let out a confused sob. Joe stroked you hair, "Shh," he cooed "you'll be just fine (Y/N). Doc will patch you up just fine." You nodded, you wanted to believe him, you needed to believe him.

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