4. Damn Fool (Johnny Martin).

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(A/N): John is furious with you.

Disclaimer!: the characters in this story are based on the characters of the television show, not the real men and this is in no way meant offensively or disrespectfully to those heroes. 

John Martin was beyond furious. He hated not knowing what was going on in his platoon and he hated disobedience of rules. Everyone under his command knew that if he'd get shit for the stuff they pulled there would be hell to pay and having just come from Winters office, he was not pleased at all. How could one of his own god damn medics run something by Winters before coming to him first? He balled his fists, you were going to freaking have it. 

When the men saw him stomping into the barracks they knew someone was definitely in trouble, however, they did not expect him to go straight to your bunk. You were a medic and you weren't one to go upset the sergeant. Usually, you two were as thick as thieves,  some even thinking you were involved romantically. They had never seen John this angry with you before. When Martin stopped right next to your bed, where you were flipping through a comic, you looked up slowly. "Johnny, hey," you said calmly. "Don't fucking "Johnny" me right now (Y/N)," he growled. Luz, who was sitting on the bunk on top of yours looked up from the letter he was writing, "What's going on Martin?" he asked cautiously, not wanting to be the one who got to have all of it, but also too curious to contain himself.  "Mind your own business, Luz," he said, not even bothering to look up at the radioman. 

"(Y/N) I need to speak with you outside, now," Martin growled at you once again. You nodded, you were pretty sure that you knew what he was so mad about and even though you knew he would find out, you had hoped that he would somehow not confront you about it.  John stomped outside in front of you, you just followed him outside. Once you were distanced enough from the barracks, he turned around the face you. He just stared at you, his eyes burning with rage. 

"Out with it John," you encouraged him to speak his mind. "What the fuck where you thinking? I get to fucking Winters office for him to inform me that you'll no longer be under my command because you requested  to be transferred to Lipton's platoon, what the fuck is that about (Y/N)?" You knew this moment would come, but you hadn't wanted to think about it until it happened. How were you going to explain this? "I-" "Don't give me no shitty excuses (L/N), I want the truth," he challenged you. "John, it's nothing personal-" "You want me to believe that?" he scoffed, "Give me one reason why you would prefer to be moved to another platoon because of non-personal reasons?" he raised his eyebrows, awaiting of your response. You sighed, running your hand through your hair, you didn't know how to explain it to him without embarrassing yourself. "So what it is?" he asked again, his voice was softer this time, hurt even "Do you not think of me as a capable leader? Do you think you expertise would be wasted under my command? WHAT IS IT?" He almost seemed desperate, looking at you for any sort of response. You shook your head, "No, John, God Damn it, no of course not I just-" your voice croaked, you swallowed as you tried to remain composed "I don't want to be under your command, because I don't want to be the one responsible for taking care of you if you get hurt Johnny," you eventually told him the truth. 

He looked at you in surprise, "What?" "I thought about it, yeah? And as a medic, it is my responsibility to be out there and help people who need it the most. But, I know you could get hurt out there, I know it's part of all of this, I don't want to be the one who- God, John I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt out there. So, I thought this might interfere with the job I have to do out on the lines, so I spoke to Winters and he advised me to request a transfer to another platoon, which is something I was granted just this morning." You explained. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have-" "You would have tried to stop me," you cut him off. "That's damn right, I still think it's a stupid plan, if your not anywhere near me I won't-" he stopped mid-sentence, seemingly not wanting to continue. "You won't what?" you asked, curious as to what the man in front of you wanted to say. "I won't be able to protect you out there, I won't know where you are or if you're even alive, it'll drive me crazy with worries," he spoke. This was the most you had ever heard him speak about his feelings, ever. You smiled softly, "Don't worry, you'll be so busy killing Krauts you won't have the time to worry about me," you tried to lighten the mood. He smirked at you, "Damn right," he muttered. 

You took a step closer to the man, trying your luck. Sometimes he liked to have you leaning against his chest, his arms wrapped around you tightly. Other times, he hated having anyone anywhere close to him and he wouldn't let you touch him. Today it seemed that you were in luck, because as soon as you took another step you could feel his hands wraps around your arms to pull you into him, his arms wrapping around you as soon as you bumped into him. You rested your head against his shoulder, sighing. "You know-" you tried to speak, but his arms squeezed just a little harder, a motion he often used when he wanted you to shut up. You chuckled, closing your mouth again. "I still think it's a damn stupid plan," he mumbled, but you could feel his smile against your hair. 

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