13. Take my hand (Lewis Nixon).

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(A/N): You need someone to take your mind off things, Lewis Nixon is an excellent candidate. 

Disclaimer!: the characters in this story are based on the characters of the television show, not the real men and this is in no way meant offensively or disrespectfully to those heroes.

Mentioned Donald Malarkey x reader

Donald Malarkey just needed one night that he didn't spend in his bed, thinking about what he had gone through, about the friends he lost, about the hurt look on your face that one particular night when he told you he couldn't do it anymore. He didn't want to think about those things tonight. Tonight he was going to the local pub and literally drown his sorrows. 

He ordered multiple rounds of beers for him and some of his comrades and he asked one of the pretty local girls in the pub for a dance or two. He hadn't expected you to be there so he felt like it was okay for him to go all out. However, what he didn't know was that you too, didn't want to be alone with your thoughts tonight. You didn't want to feel scared tonight, you just wanted to have a fun night out with your friends. 

When you walked in, you immediately went over to Bull and Martin who were quietly talking over a couple of beers. "Gentlemen," you greeted them. Bull looked up from his beer at you, smiling surprised "(L/N) I didn't know you would be joining us tonight." You chuckled "Yeah couldn't sleep, so I thought I might as well join you lot for a beer or two." Martin nodded at you approvingly, clapping you on your back. Just at that moment Lewis Nixon came by, holding two beers. "Thought it was you (Y/N), brought you a beer," he said. You smiled at him gratefully, taking a sip. Your eyes grazed around the room, trying to figure out who else had decided to join the little gathering. You could see Guarnere and Toye pestering some poor replacements, you could see George Luz and Buck Compton laughing at them in the background. However, your smile fell immediately when you saw him. He was standing awfully close to a pretty girl, who you didn't recognize. You guessed she might be local.  They were obviously flirting with each other heavily. You despised how easy it seemed to be for Don to flirt with her,  how he didn't seem to feel guilty at all. You were jealous of the way her hands were casually caressing his arms, eyes staring into his. You swallowed, trying to compose yourself. 

The three men around you slowly stopped talking as they noticed you weren't joining in on the conversation at all. They followed your gaze. "That son of a..." Martin muttered, shaking his head. "(Y/N), just say the word and we'll tell him off." You forced a smile, "Thanks Johnny, but it's not my place to be jealous anymore." You shrugged, "so he has every right to flirt with who ever he wants."  You downed your beer, "Doesn't mean I have to sit here and look at it all night though. Anyone of you gentlemen care for a dance?"  Lewis Nixon chuckled, "Thought you'd never ask." He took your outstretched hand and led you onto the middle of the dance floor. 

As you were dancing, he could see your eyes sometimes drifting to where your ex was flirting with the other girl. "You know," he whispered, his mouth close to your ear "I am an officer," You looked at him amused, wondering where he would go with this. "I could get Malarkey in a whole lot of trouble if you would want, latrine duty or something." A laugh bubbled out of you and you brought your hand towards your mouth, surprised that he made you laugh. "I didn't know you were this funny Nix," you said softly, as you laid your hand on his shoulder again. He twirled you around, "I'm full of surprises," he grinned at you. "Are you flirting with me?" you asked. He smiled at you, damn, you didn't know he was such a charmer, "so what if I am?".  You scoffed at him, but you knew he was right, so what if he was? You weren't involved with anyone anymore and Lewis Nixon was definitely a handsome man.

 However, a sad feeling immediately crept up on you when you caught a glimpse of Don still talking to the other girl. You swallowed. Nixon could sense your mood change.  "What is it?" He asked. "You know I just got out of a relationship right? That this is not a good time-" "And I know you've probably heard about the divorce that's waiting for me after the war, but God Damn it (Y/N), does any of it matter?"  He was right. Did you really have to care about tomorrow or the day after that? The only thing that was important was tonight. Tonight and the way Lewis Nixon made you forget Donald Malarkey. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" he interrupted your thinking. "I was just thinking about how you were right, I've decided not to worry about anything else than tonight," you stated, smiling proudly at him. "Does that mean I can keep flirting with you?" he asked. You laughed softly, "I'll raise you one better, it might even mean you can kiss me tonight. " He quirked an eyebrow at you as he smiled at you suggestively. You placed your hand on his chest, "however, that does not mean you can do it right here. I don't know about you Captain Nixon, but I would like all the men in here to keep thinking of me as a respectable woman." He smirked at you, nodding "Of course, (L/N), how about another beer?" You nodded in agreement, "yes, another beer would be lovely right about now." 

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