Chapter Three

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I'm already awake before my 8am alarm goes  off, I just lay there thinking to myself how yesterday could of went better.

I finally manage to get out of bed without stubbing my toe somehow I always manage to do that and it really is painful!

I tiptoe to my wardrobe making sure I don't wake up Aiden. Speaking of Aiden, I don't remember him coming back to the apartment last night. Suddenly my thoughts are soon interrupted by a loud manly groan.

I swiftly grab a white T-shirt and a black pair of topshop jeans and my phone. And walk out of the apartment leaving groaning Aiden by himself.

Today should be interesting.

"You know what really annoys me?"

I look over to the girl who had just sat down one seat over from me in the lecture room. She had beautiful dark hair that was braided into a tight plait and light brown glowing skin. Dressed in a pale blue playsuit, and had a very bright smile across her lips. I clear my throat before replying to her.


"Why do we have to be here early, and the professor isn't even here yet?" 

Giving her a small smile, I reply. "I don't know, maybe class starts early sometimes."

"And by the way, I really like your play suit it's really nice." I complimented her.

If you haven't already done so go and compliment someone today it really makes the other person feel better and it's just a nice gesture.

Gleaming in my direction, she leans in closer.

"Thank you so much, I really like it too!"

See! What did I tell you! Great way to make new friends!

" I'm Charlotte by the way." she reaches her manicured hand out towards me and I swiftly grab it.

" Maddison." I smile.

Just as I turn back to my seat, a Blonde haired women wearing a yellow maxi dress introduces herself as Mrs winters. Qua
I quickly glance at Charlotte who looks at me and smiles and puts on a bored and sleepy expression, making us both giggle.

Fifty minutes later when class ends, I feel a light tap on my shoulder I turn around and to my surprise I see Courtney standing there leaning for a hug.

"How have you been!" She practically exclaims making everyone turn there heads in the corridor.

"Fine I guess, I'm just not happy about the dorm arrangements that's all." I smile I sad smile. I don't want to sound ungrateful because that is totally not the case.

I worked extremely hard towards my exam and A-levels to come here and anyone in my shoes would die to come here.

"Why, what has happened? But first of all lets get out of here."

As we make our way towards the corridor, I hear someone call my name. Stopping abruptly I feel myself collide into a hard body. Right as I turn my head upward, I'm met with Aiden's green piercing eyes.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in."

smiling down at me, he nudges the boy standing next to him to grab his attention
"Alex, this is the one I was telling you about."

The boy looks from Aiden to me, his narrow eyes dancing in amusement.

"Ah the new roomie, Hey, I'm Alex."

Giving me a small smirk he says

"Well Aiden didn't mention that his new girl Roomie was a model."

Raising an astonished eyebrow at him, I stare at Aiden wondering what he must of said to him. He quickly ducks his head to remove his eyes from mine. Looking between the two boys I let out a small laugh.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I tease Alex, I have a feeling that me and him will become good friends.

"What other fantasies had Aiden told you?" I question.

Why would Aiden be talking about me to his friends? I'm not exactly the popular girl, that is loved by everyone, but I'm not the invisible one either.

" I've barely wasted my breath talking about you, trust me on that." Aiden interrupts. I know he's lying.

"We've got Mathematics to get to right Alex?" Aiden says, I know he wants to get out of here, so I let them and go and didn't say a word.

"Yeah man, Maddison it was a pleasure meeting you." And gives me a small wink before the two boys disappear into the hall way.

Me and Courtney walk towards a very large field.

The grass was at knee height, it wasn't the green colour that you often saw, it looked like it was dying, maybe closing in. I don't know. All I know was that it was winter in England. And the sky was dull and the wind that blew was chilly, and there wasn't any little children playing football out on the lawn with their fathers.

"So what's so wrong about your dorm room? And what happened between them boys?" Someone once again snaps me out of my gaze.

Sighing for the one hundredth time in the space of two days. I begin to tell Courtney everything that has gone down till the first day I arrived and how Aiden is never at the apartment at night and the annoying remarks he says to get under my skin.

"Well, it settles it now." She says in a serious tone. If you knew Courtney, you would know that she doesn't do serious she's always messing around and 'living life on the edge' as I like to call it.

It settles what?" I question. You never really know what your in for when your friends with a crazy women.

" I think that Aiden boy might have a crush on you!" She bellows.

"Yeah right, like that would happen in a million years, plus he's too rude for my liking." I laugh but thinking about it, that would be funny if I actually liked him.

To cut this story short I don't.

"So what is your liking?" She questions, eager to find out.

If I was being totally honest I didn't really like anyone, it wasn't my plan to play matchmaker right now I have a lot of studying to do, and I want to focus on my future.

"No one." I say plainly hoping she won't ask again.

"Maddison, you keep telling yourself that,because I know you very well to tell when your telling fibs!" She teases twirling with a strand of my hair between her fingers.

It's true though I don't like him, he's annoying and so full of himself that he doesn't even know how he hurts people. He doesn't realise the other girls practically drooling over him every time he enters the corridors. Hopefully there will be a spare dorm available and I will be jumping towards that opportunity, someone else can deal with attitude.

We walk back into the main building and make our way to the dorms. I'm already tired and worn out and it's only the first day. So far today has been okay, except the Aiden situation in the corridor but that can be easily avoided.

Surely he doesn't like me? Right?
I seriously love you guys! Thank you for the support! ❤️

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