Chapter Seven

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Time is a fickle thing. You can be with someone for years and never know what real love is and fall in love truly and completely after weeks spent with someone who literally redefined what it means to be happy. Love doesn't always fit into a timeframe. Remember that.

It's Thursday now, only one more day till the weekend, and I can't wait to have a lie in and get stuff done. I don't really remember what exactly happened yesterday but, I woke up to find the bed empty, only an outline of his body printed into the sheet where he was laying.

I climb out of bed, carrying my toiletry bag with me, don't ask why I have a bag for the toilet just know I have a lot of skincare in there, and I like to pamper myself from time to time.

After I brush my teeth, and wash my face. I decide to have a quick warm shower.  I don't understand how people have piping hot showers. They hurt.

But step in and start shampooing my hair lathering it, and massaging it in. Until I hear someone trying to unlock the door. I start to panic, and I don't really know what to do. I was just trying to have a shower.

"It's occupied!" I  call out, hoping that they would turn around and wait until I finish. But no.

I draw a tiny fragment of the curtain, and to my horror I see Aiden with his shirt off, standing next to the sink, and toothbrush in his mouth.

"What the hell do you think your doing?"

He spits out the toothpaste and rinses his mouth before looking me dead in the eye.

"I'm brushing my teeth, is that such a crime?" He smirks.

"I can see that, but what are you doing here while I'm trying to take a shower?" I push.

"It's obvious isn't it?" He replies pointing to the Oral B toothpaste not bothered that he just walked into the bathroom while I was taking a shower.

"Can you please get out, so I can rinse my hair before the water turns cold?"

"I can see someone is in a better mood this morning."  He leans on the doorframe.

"Yeah well, if you don't go my mood will change!"

"I swear if you don't go, I will murder you when I get out." I tease.

"Okay, chill. I think I left my hair gel, on the side." He reaches his hand  toward the shower curtain trying to pull it back before I slap his hand away.

"Your not getting it now, wait until I'm finished." I side glance him.

"Okay! Okay! I'm going now." Throwing both arms up in surrender.

I wrap the white towel around my body, holding my pyjamas in one hand and heading to my room to get changed. 

After what seemed like hours throwing all my clothes that I owned around my room I finally go for a mustard off the shoulder top and some light coloured jeans, topping it off with a pair of white converse. And not forgetting my Black puffer jacket as England weather is always cold and rainy.

I'm seriously thinking of having showers at Courtney's or Harriet's apartments, because I don't think I can trust Aiden to not do it again. It's all fun and games but what if he walks into my bedroom while I'm trying to get dressed?

That would be so embarrassing!

It had just turned 9:00am and I have class in just under an hour. I head into the kitchen finding something to have for breakfast. Until egg and bacon fill my senses and my mouth is watering. "Oh you can cook?" I laugh at Aiden wearing a hideous Superman apron.

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