Chapter Fifteen

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Aiden's POV:

As I'm driving down the road, I can't help but wonder. What if Harriet is actually right?

I have experienced life differently, my father died when I was younger and I had to live with the fact that he was never going to come back.

It did get easier with time but now and then it still hurts.

Do you ever get too stressed or bombarded with too many emotions all at once?

When I feel like I need to breathe and think. I go to this place. It's not too far from Oxford but the long drive is worth it.

I park my car on the side and make my way towards my favourite spot. The view looks over the whole city and it's just so beautiful that you instantly forget what problems you are facing.

I watch the people going on in their unproblematic lives living life and smiling. And here I am, blaming the whole world for my problems.

Throughout this Whole year I have learnt three things:

One- Sometimes bad things happen to good people and sometimes you think you might know someone, but you only know one side to them. The one they like to show.

Two- Almost Everything we go through we can't control.

Three- letting go is never an easy thing to do. No matter how many times you have rehearsed it. No matter how times you have played it in your head, it never goes as planned. And lastly, it stings even harder than you ever thought.

Suddenly, I feel someone's body heat next to mine. To my surprise I see, the girl who lights up my world just by her smile right in front of me. Putting a hand on my back and smiling.

"How did you find me?"  I ask.

"Harriet told me you would be here." She answers back crossing her legs.

"I'm so tired." Maddison loudly yawns rubbing her eyes.

"Come here." I say, signalling for her to lay her head against my lap.

We sit there for a couple of minutes in completely and utter silence. Watching the sun go down and the birds that fly past with their families.

"Imagine if we were birds?" Maddison speaks up pointing up towards the birds in the sky.

"Yeah, the freedom would be nice. But we would always be running away from someone or something." I twirl a fallen piece of her chocolate hair around my fingers.

"We are all running away from something or even our selfs." And with that she gently flutters her eyes shut and falls asleep in my lap.

I used to push her away from me.
But little did she know, it only made me want her more. And every night that I laid in my bed thinking. I would think of her. When I shut my eyes. Or  even if I tried to concentrate,  her face and smile would just appear in my head.

"I think i'm falling for you,Maddison." I whisper into her ear.

We both lay here, Maddison fast asleep on my lap and me admiring the sunset above.
I wish we could just stay right here forever. No university stress. Only just me and Maddison up against the whole world.

But that only happens in fairy tales and this story is nowhere near a fairytale.

Half an hour later

It's been an hour and a half till Maddison has been asleep for. The sky has turned much darker and the stars and the moon twinkles in the night sky.

"M, wake up it's getting dark." I tug at her arm.

"What?" She asked in such a cute raspy voice. I wish I could spend every morning with her to hear her voice.

"It's getting really late now, I think it would be a good idea if we leave now." I get to my feet and run my hand through my hair.

I grab Maddison's hand and lead us towards my car. As a gentleman would do, I  open the passenger door for Maddison and slide into the seat next to her.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I place a soft hand on her knee. I can tell once my hand reaches her knee she shivers almost Something being ignited in her.

"I did actually. It's been days since I've had a proper night sleep." She sighs resting her head on the cold window.

"Why haven't you been sleeping?" I ask with concern.

Why hasn't Maddison been sleeping?

"I can't. I've been thinking too much lately." She answers back running her hand through her smooth hair.

"About?" I ask again.

"It's nothing Aiden."

"It doesn't look like nothing to me." I fire back.

"You know Maddison you can tell me anything. I know I'm not the best of all roommates,
but I can always listen."

"It's you." she finally blurts out trying her hardest not to meet my eyes.

"What on earth do you mean Madds?" I raise an eyebrow at her. Meanwhile my heart is beating so fast and my mouth has become so suddenly dry.

"I can't stop thinking about you. Don't get me wrong I try. I really do. But whatever I do, I'm always thinking about you. I know I'm supposed to hate you. I just don't know what to say really."

"But just promise me one thing. Do you think I'm crazy?" She asks her deep and earthy eyes boring into mine.

"Would I sound crazy if I told you I've been feeling the same?" I ask, smiling so bright.

At times, she is selfish, sometimes insecure and impatient. She has her flaws and a hint of sadness in her eyes but she hides it well behind a smile that almost appears natural.

She's delicate but tough on herself, understanding that not everyone deserves to unlock her secret door. There is madness on her mind, chaos in her heart but there's this quiet sense of hope that still lives within her soul. She isn't perfect but she's remarkable.

She is Maddison Kingston.

The girl that everyone has come to love and adore. The one that has stolen my heart and amended all the broken pieces and magically put them back together.

And that's why I think I'm falling for her.
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Much love 💋x

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