Chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to @LUVer_101. She is a really good friend who's a great reader.

EID MUBARAK GUYS! Hope this EID brings you much happiness.


I can't begin to thank you guys enough for being there and supporting till now. I can't believe I've also reached chapter 18. It seems like it was only yesterday that I started writing this book without any plan or preparation.

My baby is all grown up. (Please hand me a tissue to wipe my crocodile tears) 😂😂

(Doesn't mean I don't see you voters. You people are close to my heart too.)

Anyways, enjoy the chapter lol.


'Hi V!' Laura greets Violet as she stands in the balcony.

Cold wind is brushing past her. Making her relax. No one's here. Everyone is back at the living room talking amongst each other. Thank God Violet's call saved her from Jared. He was looking forward to cornering her after all.

'Hey, L!' Violet greets her back in a too cheerful voice.

Laura scrunches up her eyebrows.

'Why do you sound like that?'

'Sound like what?' Laura can just feel Violet shrugging. Trying to sound innocent.

'Forget about it. Why are you calling so suddenly? Not that I mind or anything.' Laura says. Knowing that Violet won't say anything anyway if there's a problem.

'Oh! I totally forgot. Are you okay?' Violet asks with concern.

Laura internally sighs thinking Ella must've told her about the nightmare.

Laura rolls her eyes.

'It seems like you and Ella have become best friends who share everything.'

When Violet gives a sheepish smile Laura continues,

'I'm fine,V. It's not like it was the first time I experienced nightmare. Now was it?' She tries to make it sound like a joke but fails miserably.

Silence descends on the other side. A few seconds later Violet breaks it.

'I'm so sorry L. I can't...'

'Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you that it wasn't your fault.' Laura cuts Violet off.

She hears Violet leaving a sigh. Laura can't even remember how many times Violet has apologised for something in which she didn't have any hand. Perhaps hundred times now.

No. Thousand times. Laura thinks with an eye roll.

'Okay so I did NOT call to have this conversation. Just to let you know that the first hearing of my recent case is tomorrow.' Violet says.

'It's tomorrow! Your opponent is Ben, right?' Laura says. Glad that the topic is changed.

'Yeah. It's that douche.' Violet snorts.

'Douche or not, he's a great lawyer and you know that. Don't let your guards down V.' Laura says in a serious tone.

'Great lawyer my foot! I'll show him tomorrow what I'm made of.'

'Oh come on! It's not the right time for being egoistic. You and I both know that Ben is more experienced. Tomorrow's case is your first ever big case whereas Ben recently won a case which was the headline of the papers for at least a month. So stop being so over confident.' Laura says matter of factly.

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