Chapter 20

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It hit her hard. The tension in the air. The air is full of it. Everyone is seeming like they're walking on egg shells. Whispering between themselves. They look a bit frightened.

And this is what makes Laura crunch up her eyebrows. What happened to make them look like this?

She has just entered Jared's company and didn't even take a step ahead when the tension in the air comes into her notice. An employee starts rushing past her when Laura catches that girl's arm.

'What is happening? Why is everyone so tense?'

That girl widens her eyes in an almost dramatic way.

'Oh my! Ma'am, don't you know? Today's the bulletin day.'

'What is the bulle...' Laura can't finish her sentence because the girl leaves in a hurry. Just as someone screams the words which seems dreaded to everyone.


Everyone starts running in the same direction. Although Laura has no business here since she's not an employee but her growing curiosity takes her to the same direction.

It doesn't take her much time to realise what's a bulletin day. Apparently after Jared joined this company as the CEO, he had made a new rule. Every six monthes at the decided date a list will hung on the bulletin board. Consisting the names of the persons who are fired and who are promoted.

She makes her way towards the list and scans it from top to bottom. It seems like Jared has fired quite a handful of senior employees. There are at least five managers and the assistant vice president. There is also a head of branch. And there are only seven employees who have been promoted. Seems like the guy is really picky.

Just as she's about to leave, a familiar name catches her eyes. His name is on the bottom of the list. A smirk grows on her lips.

Just as she gets out of the crowd in front of the bulletin, a running Reid comes into her view.

He hurriedly nods at her way. Just as he's about to leave she stops him.

'Hey! I saw your name on the list. Co..' Laura can't even finish her sentence when Reid gives out a horrifying shout.

'WHAT? I have been fired!'

He starts searching frantically for his name on the list chanting 'Oh no!', 'Oh god!' animatedly.

Laura's personal favourite is, 'I knew he was going to fire me. Why did I swap their coffees and then forgot to bring that file? Now I have to live in the subway and eat with the stray dogs. Why God? Why?'

Everybody starts looking at him weirdly. He starts chanting again when he abruptly stops as he's eyes stops at his name. He's not fired. Nope. He's definitely not.

'You lied to me.' Reid accusingly says to Laura.

Laura hides her smile. His show from seconds ago was amusing to say the least.

'No, I didn't.'

Reid's scowl deepens. He looks like a kid who lost his cotton candy.

'Yes, you did. You made me think I was fired. I made a complete fool out of myself there.'

Now Laura just breaks out laughing. His expression was too hilarious.

'No, Reid. I didn't.' Laura says in calm tone and after crossing her hands in front of her, she continues.

'I just said that I saw your name on the list. If you had just let me finish then you wouldn't had to make a fool out of yourself.'

Reid just scowls even further. Laura
shakes her head at his silliness.

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