Chapter 24

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'What.Are.You.Doing.Here?' Laura's familiar voice booms from the parking lot of the club.

Jared has reached just a few minutes ago and he was about to go inside when he hears Laura's low shout. He gets curious so he goes towards the direction of her voice.

'Huh? Who are you? I don't know you.' The blonde teen age girl says to Laura and then looks up at the bulky body guard beside her. 'And hey there big guy, you should leave now. I wasn't trying to enter your club. I had just lost my way.'

Jared laughs at the kid's remarks. He used to be like her once. Always going to the club's with fake id's despite being a teen. The only difference is they never got caught.

'Ella, behave. You are supposed to be at the summer house. What the heck do you think you're doing here, trying to enter a club all alone? You're a sixteen year old who looks like thirteen.' Laura cries out.

Jared silently laughs at Laura's outburst. Now he remembers that girl. She's Laura's cousin.

Laura talks to the body guard who had caught Ella red handed with an fake id and apologises to him. He leaves after that.

Just after the body guard is out of earshot Ella protests.

'Hey I don't look like thirteen. I'm going to turn seventeen soon. And what are you doing here anyways? After all you, Ms. Boring never go to clubs.'

'I'm not boring and don't change the subject. You shouldn't have come here at this time. Even recklessness has a limit to it.' Laura strongly says.

'Come on! Why are you making this a big deal when it's not?'

Laura leaves an irritated sigh.

'Not a big deal! Seriously? How the hell did you manage to get out out anyways. Dad had removed all the pipes around your room's windows so that you don't pull a stunt like this.'

'Uncle forgot to cut the tree in front of my window. So...' Ella trails off with a sheepish smile.

Laura smacks her forehead and Jared starts laughing loudly. He has to give Ella credits. She's genius.

Both girls whip their heads at Jared's direction. He's in casual wear looking good as always.

When Jared realises that he's been spotted he rounds a corner and within a few seconds he reaches them.

First of all he notices Ella's hawk like stare and then looks at Laura. He pauses for a second.

Laura's always looking good but today her looks has reached another world. In a black knee lengthed dress and her original ginger hair back with a bit highlight she's looking great.

But suddenly Jared's eyes gets stuck at Laura's lips. She has put on red lipstick. Her lips come in full display with the deep red colour.

He averts his gaze from her lips but then takes a quick glance again. Normally he takes a U turn when he sees someone with red lipstick but in this case it seems like Laura's lips are just calling out to him.

But still he forces himself to not to take a look again. It would look creepy'll be too obvious.

He mockingly glares at Laura.

'What a great way to say hi. Totally making me regret telling you about that.'

Laura just smirks but says nothing.

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