Chapter 2~ Life of the Party

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Chapter 2~ Life of the Party

I got headed home after a long day. My new friend, Lucy, was telling me about a bonfire happening tonight. I don't know if I should go. I am not good at making friends... At all. I should at least try. I don't want to spend a summer doing nothing. I am in Los Angles for crying out loud!

My mom came home at 5 o'clock in the evening. She said she was having problems with a man at the strip club who wouldn't stop touching her. They had to throw him out of the club. My mom and my aunt work at the same club. It was easy for my mom to get a job there because one of their "top strippers" had married some rich customer and left for Tahiti.

I want to go to Tahiti.

My mom felt bad for not spending time with me, which was a first. She normally never cared. I don't know if Aunt Rose said something to her, but I am glad if she did. As a "I'm sorry present", my mom brought home a ton of colored hair dye that one of the girls she worked with had gotten. The girl decided she didn't want to use it, so she gave it to my mom.

"Please, please, please!" my mom begs me as she displays the array of different colors.

"Mom, I don't want to dye my hair."

"Kristen!" she whines.

"I love my hair," I exclaim while stroking it. I am sitting on the couch and she has all the different colors on the coffee table. She has been trying to convince me for what seems like hours.

"Imagine showing up to that bonfire with a new look. It sure will impress that boy you like," she says with a wink.

"Mom! I don't like him. He isn't even going to be at the bonfire," I groan. I have James. I love James.

"C'mon Kristen! This can be a time for us to start out new! I won't dye the whole thing. Only dip-dye it and add highlighted streaks," she acts like she knows everything. "I have always wanted to be a hair stylist and now is my chance!"

I have never done anything this spontaneous before. Except that time when James and I got fake ID's and went to a downtown NYC dance club. Let's just say that those bathroom stalls are very small... I bite my lip at the memory.

"Fine," I exhale as I begin to walk to the bathroom. "Do a subtle color."

"Fine," my mom mimics me and puts her hand on her hip. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah," I smile.

She screeches and jumps up and down. "I get to surprise you with the color!"
she grins widely.

"Just do it," I laugh.


"All done!" she cheers. She didn't allow me to look in a mirror until my hair was dry and styled how she wanted it to be.

I turn around and look into the mirror.

"Ho-ly sh*t," I say while looking at myself with my jaw dropped.

"Do you like it?" she asks nervously.

"Like it?" I ask while examining my new hair. "I f*cking love it. You should be a hair stylist."

"Yay!" she cheers.

She dip-dyed the ends of my hair a purple color with streaks of indigo and turquoise in it. She also highlighted/streaked my hair with purple, turquoise, and indigo. She kept my natural waves in place, only she did a waterfall braid around my head.

"Thank you so much!" I smile while hugging her. It is a nice change. It's only for the Summer, and Summer doesn't last forever. I will be perfect only having it for a few months.

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