Chapter 14

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Rhea's POV

By the time we had arrived, it was dark out. Bella paid the driver and dragged me outside once more. I finally wrenched my arm from her iron grip and started walking in the opposite direction. I pulled out my phone and called Jasper.

"Jas, Bella's gone haywire," I said taking a seat on a bus bench.

"Where are you?" Jas asked frantic.

"Mimi's ballet studio. Bella said he had Renee."

"We're coming to get you just stay put."

"Jas, I'm scared. I can hear glass breaking, a lot of glass."

"Alice called Edward and he should be there soon. I'm five minutes away."

I felt a soft breeze next to me and the door opened and closed by itself. Not a minute later two sleek black cars pulled up and Jas, Ryan, and Alice stepped out. Jas wrapped his arms around me and walked me over to the car. Carlisle and Emmett ran up to us before they went inside. I sat in the passenger seat before I got bored and walked inside.

Alice, Carlisle, and Edward were hovering over an unconscious Bella. Jas, Ryan, and Emmett were feeding a roaring fire in the back. I slowly walked over to Jas and I kicked something. I bent down to pick up a busted camcorder and I noticed it was still recording. I took the tape out and threw it in the fire. Off in the distance sirens could be heard and we walked outside.

"You were supposed to be watching her! He wasn't after you!" Edward yelled walking towards me, rage clear in his eyes.

"She dragged me here! I wanted to stay with Jas, not come here!" I yelled.

Edward launched himself at me. Thankfully Jas and Ryan stopped him. Rose rushed to my side and tucked me behind her.

"Edward! Enough!" Carlisle shouted pushing Edward away from me. "It is not Rhea's fault. We need to get Bella to the hospital."

Alice called the ambulance and they took Bella away on a stretcher. Jas walked back to me before guiding me to the car. He drove us to the hospital to wait for Bella. I called Dad and he booked a flight to Phoenix. Renee, surprisingly, called me. She wanted to know why she received a distressing phone call from Dad. I told her Bella was in the hospital. She proceeded to yell at me to which I hung up on her. For a good ten minutes, she called back only to be ignored.

"Queen? Is that you?" a familiar voice asked from behind.

I turned around to see, "Blue Jay?" I got out of the world's most uncomfortable chair and ran over to him to give him a hug.

"What are you doing here? Tell me you didn't check back in."

"No. Bella got hurt. How are you? How's Blue Eyes?"

"Matt's great. He misses you."

"Rhea who's this?" Jasper asked wrapping his arm around my waist tugging me into him.

I let my arm hang loosely around Jas's waist. "Right, sorry. Jas this is Jay or as I call him, Blue Jay. Blue Jay this is Jasper, my boyfriend." I stretched up to give Jas a kiss on the cheek.

"Nice to meet someone who can wrangle Queenie here," Blue Jay said, holding out his hand. Jasper shook his hand but I could tell he was jealous.

"Jay took care of me when I was in the hospital and Matt is his husband," I said trying to defuse some of the tension. Jay's pager beeped and he excused himself to make his rounds. "You're cute when you're jealous," I teased walking back to the waiting room.

"I'm not jealous," Jas said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I just don't like other men touching what's mine," he growled in my ear.

"All yours," I murmured before turning around in his embrace to give him a kiss.

A few hours later Jay came back with a blanket and some food from the nurses' station. "So did Queenie here ever tell you how we met?" Jay asked sitting down across from me.

"No she didn't," Jas said wrapping the blanket around my tired body.

"It was my first week in the hospital," I started, "and I just wanted out. The doctors were treating me like I was crazy and my roommate actually was crazy. So instead of walking out the front door, I made my way on to the roof. I was a few steps down the fire escape when a male nurse walks out kissing his boyfriend-"

"I don't remember it like that," Jay butted in.

"It's my story. Anyway, these two guys were making out and I was frozen in place. One of them noticed me and rushed over thinking I was stuck. I finally gained the ability to move and I swatted his hands away. The second man rushed over and physically hauled me back on top of the roof and sat me down in his lap."

"In all fairness, Matt thought that you were gonna jump."

"At the time it seemed like the only way to escape the demons they said were inside my brain. Turns out there was nothing wrong with me just who I was listening to. Jay finally got me to calm down and I stopped struggling against Matt and the three of us sat on the roof and talked. When Jay told me his name I knew he needed a nickname. After they dragged me back to my room and told the doctors that they found me on a walk I just called him Blue Jay and it stuck. The next time Matt came in I commented on his blue eyes and it stuck as well. Jay was my savior in this place. He actually pushed to have me released."

"You did all the hard work. Showing them that there was and is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You seem better."

"I found my people. They're a little bit weird but I can work with it."

Jas leaned down and kissed my forehead before telling me to get some rest. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Blue Jay

Blue Eyes

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Blue Eyes

Blue Eyes

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