Chapter 5

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Rhea's POV

The following morning I was awoken with a chaste kiss. I rolled over to find Jas, not that I was surprised. Ever since we reconciled, we had found it nearly impossible to be apart from one another. I put on a pair of comfy yoga pants and a plain tank top. After brushing my teeth and braiding my hair I was ready to go. Jas left to go get the car while I slipped on my shoes and told Dad that Rose wanted help picking out an outfit for her anniversary with Emmett. He seemed pleased that I was spending my time with someone other than Jas. I told him that Jas was going to be our chauffeur and his smile dwindled.

The doorbell rang and Bella shouted that she would get it. From my spot in the kitchen, I could hear Jas's southern drawl. I could also hear Bella huff that it wasn't Edward.

"Morning Jas," I said as Jas walked into the small room.

"Mornin' darlin'. Good morning Chief Swan," Jas said while placing a small kiss on the crown of my head. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, just let me grab a jacket and we can go," I said standing up from my seat at the kitchen table.

I walked back up to my room and grabbed one of Jas's sweaters before walking back downstairs. Jas and Dad were talking so I did my best to be quiet. The doorbell rang and Bella ran to get it. Jas and Dad walked into the living room just in time to see Edward already walking outside with Bella. He didn't even bother to say hi to Dad. I walked over to Dad, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and told him that I would be back in time for dinner. Jas shook Dad's hand and we were off.

By miracles of all miracles, we beat Edward and Bella to the training ground. Just in time to see Emmett fly through the air. I looked across the field to see Ryan, smirking. "Again!" Emmett yelled.

Bella and Edward got out of Emmett's jeep just as the wolves arrived. I gave a small wave to Paul and he nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward said reading their minds.

"They came. That's what matters," Carlisle said. "Will you translate?"

Carlisle walked forward and began his speech, "Welcome. Jasper and Ryan have experience with newborns. They'll teach us how to defeat them."

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us," Edward said. I knew the question came from Sam.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life."

Ryan took over the speech, "Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army can stand against them. Now, the two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second..."

"Never go for the obvious kill," Jas said from behind me. He gave me a kiss on the head before walking closer to Ryan. "They'll be expecting that, and you will lose."

"Emmett!" Ryan called. Everyone moved out of the way and I found a sturdy log next to the car as promised. "Don't hold back."

"Not in my nature," Emmett taunted.

Emmett charged at Ryan and they became two blurs. The fight ended with Emmett on his back. "Never lose focus," Ryan said.

Up next was Carlisle and Edward. I knew Edward was going to rely on his mind-reading ability and I think Carlisle knew that too. They both charged at each other and Carlisle slid under Edward as he pounced. They became blurs, to fast for my eyes to follow and Edward slammed Carlisle to the ground. He slowly got up and turned around and that is when Carlisle did a sneak attack. "One more thing," Jas said. "Never turn your back on the enemy." The tone of his voice had a playful 'duh' undertone.

The third to do 'battle' was Jas and Rose. They each gave the signal to go and Rose swung. She seemed to fare better than the boys. It helped that her moves were more fluid, more graceful. The final group was Ryan and Alice. Much like Edward Alice was going to rely on her gift of seeing the future. Ryan kept swinging but she kept dodging each attack. Somehow she got on top of his shoulders and he rewarded her with a quick kiss.

While they were distracted I walked closer to Paul. I rested one of my hands behind his ear and gave it a good scratch. "I think this is a great time for you and me to talk seeing as you can't answer me. I don't want you to feel obligated to help with this. Bella got us into this mess, not you guys. I don't want any of you to be killed because of her. This is my only speech to try and get you to change your mind. I won't stop you if you all have to fight." I gave him another good scratch behind the ear before going back to my log. They went through a few more rounds of practice before calling it quits for the day.


A double update to make up for the Writers Block on 'Swan Best Friend The Imprint'.

The Forgotten TwinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora