Chapter 2: A Pasta Dinner

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Chapter 2: A Pasta Dinner

Warning: Lots of hints towards fictional child abuse.

The Pastas may seem a bit OOC at the moment (if there ever was a true cannon personality to most of them), but their murderous tendencies will come out.

Just so no one freaks out, this is not in the cannon Harry Potter universe. Half of the pastas wouldn't exist (namely BEN and Smile) back in the 80s, so this is probably closer to the present, or at least 2000-2010-ish. I know a few ages are off, but the cannon 17 year old Ticci Tobi didn't seem right for most of his depictions. Same with a 13 year old Jeff the Killer. So I took some artistic liberties and adjusted their ages a bit.

I hope you enjoy


And remember: "Creativity, not reality".

Harry followed the tall figure into the denser forest. Eventually the moonlight was blocked out by the criss-crossing branches overhead. Once they were completely in the dark, Harry felt something like a gust of cool wind, but it felt as though the world were shifting around in the darkness as well. It wasn't uncomfortable; actually, it was a bit exciting. He suspected this was what those roller coaster things were like that Dudley rode on at amusement parks.

When the feeling stopped, Harry looked around and saw that they were, again, in a forest. Though, he took a breath and noticed the air smelled different. Looking up, he saw the moon was shifted from the position they'd left.

"… um… excuse me… sir?" He asked tentatively.

The figure looked down (even though he didn't have eyes) giving the young child his attention.

"W-where are we?"

The figure nodded. Again, the voice returned. It sounded like it was coming from the tall man, but it was purely from Harry's own mind. "I am glad you sensed the change. As for the formalities, my name is the Slenderman. One word. Though you will find some of my… associates call me 'Slendy'. To answer your question, we are in the rural forest of the Northeast Coast of America.

"Oh, well, my name is Harry. Harry Potter. Two words. We're all the way in America?" Harry thought back. He remembered a history lesson about a place called America. It was supposed to be short for their real title; The United States of America. They hadn't learned much yet besides they separated from Britain a long time ago and helped out in wars.

"Yes. New York State, to be exact." Slenderman replied.

Harry remembered seeing a globe once in the classroom. "Isn't that like a million miles away?"

The Slenderman- gave an echo-y mind-chuckle. "3,300 miles to be exact."

"Wow!" The child whispered. He'd never been anywhere outside of Little Whinging. "How'd we get all the way here?"

The faceless entity gave the impression of smiling. "Just something I do."

The pair continued walking in silence through the dark forest. Harry listened as the dead branches, mulch, and gravel crunched under their feet. After some time, he looked around and saw a drawing tacked onto the tree with a figure that looked distinctly like the entity next to him.

"Mr. Slenderman, what's that?" He pointed.

"That, Harry, is the artwork of an individual who lives nearby. She draws all of us, though she has the tendency to draw me and put them up in the surrounding forest. I believe it is her idea of a game. That or she thinks I won't see it unless she puts them out in the forest." Slenderman responded. "She lives with me and many others like myself in a mansion up ahead. That is where I am taking you. I have an associate who deals with medicine. He can help you."

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