Chapter 8: Its a World of Laughter

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Chapter 8: It's a World of Laughter


In this chapter we learn just who/what the mysterious Yekcim is.

Also, I felt really bad about a small snippet earlier about getting Harry new clothes. It should've been a more memorable shopping montage, but it completely slipped my mind. Well, I figured a way around it! Enjoy!

Harry woke up to the sunlight in his windows. The overcast drifted apart over the manor and Harry tiredly raised an arm to try to block the cruel beam shining on his eyes.

"Harry! Harry! Wake up!"

Harry mused that one of the downsides to having a guardian that can telepathically shout at you was that you couldn't put a pillow over your ears like he'd seen Dudley do on mornings. It just went straight to your head. He chuckled tiredly and got up for the day.

He walked down to the dining room and smiled at the sight he'd finally started getting used to.

Eyeless Jack (or E.J. as he'd started calling him) was reading Gray's Anatomy with a cookbook right next to it. Harry could see a little dribble of black saliva as he thought about what spices would work well with what cut of meat or what organ.

Laughing Jack (aka L.J.) had diagrams laying around his area for some new diabolical prank. Harry was impressed at the complexity of a good prank by L.J.'s standards. He even had a few diagrams and schematics that were heavily physics and math-based. Just glancing at it, he could tell everything mattered: the molar concentration of the cyanide, the mass of the pie, the trajectory of the arc, the compression factor of the spring.

On his face was a set of Groucho Marx style glasses complete with a fleshy pink nose that L.J.'s own conical nose compressed into. Evidently they were his "serious" glasses for problem solving that he pulled out of his pocket dimension.

Over the few months, the interdimensional clown revealed he had a small pocket dimension "hammer space" he could pull things out from including his glasses, pranks, inventions, weaponry, balloons, candy, and (as the name suggested) a large, wooden mallet or frying pan.

As an interdimensional being, he understood physics better than most on this plane of existence. Derivatives, wavefunctions, electron tunneling, gravity constants; it all came naturally to him. Especially considering he lived in an "imaginary world"… literally! He once informed Harry that before he began officially "existing" on this plane, his dimension was one where the square root of -1 existed as an observable value. He commented that this dimension was much "flatter" relative to his 5th-Dimensional origins.

Who knew?

BEN was engrossed in a game. He was blasting aliens, pokemon, demons, or whatever with one hand while shoveling some cereal in his face with the other. BEN turned out to be a computer genius, particularly when he was literally "one with the Code", as he put it. He also hosted "game night" with Jeff, Toby, Tim, Brian, and anyone else available where they spent all night chugging sodas and competing in Call of Duty, Fallout, Bioshock, or some other game that involved lots of explosions and blood.

Sally was content with brushing the hair of one of her dolls in between bites of her waffle. Sammy the Bear was sitting by her side, quiet and immobile in front of a plastic bowl of fake porridge.

Jeff was still asleep along with Smile. Harry generally found out that for Jeff to wake up before 10 AM was a miracle in itself.

Slenderman was reading a newspaper, one of his tentacles held a strawberry poptart with a bite taken out of it. For a moment, Harry's sleep-addled brain thought he saw a gray cat's tail pop out from the back of the pastry, but he blinked and it was gone.

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