Chapter 7: Kagome Kagome

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AN: Before you get too far in this chapter, know that I am not really a major "otaku" person. I find the culture interesting, but I don't have the time (nor money) to fuel any real obsession in anime. But I do find it fun.

I chose Japan because I wanted to bring Kagome Kagome back into this and I wanted to incorporate some infamous characters. The "-san" suffix and similar things are cultural to the region, so don't expect Harry to start using them frequently, learn kanji, start wielding katanas, or start shouting "Dattebayo!" every other sentence.

I don't own Harry Potter.



Slenderman walked around the house that night. Harry and Sally were playing in the living room with some crayons and paper. Jeff and Smile were out for a walk in the forest. Eyeless Jack was downstairs running a few experiments while Laughing Jack was out on… business.

He was glad to see Harry acclimating to the tenants' lifestyle. A few more visited and he became acquainted with them as well with a minor incident involving Harry and Mr. Widemouth, but Slendy was firm with the Furby-like creature and told him not to shove him to his death from the roof or convince him to juggle knives… again.

He groaned internally at the memory of finding Jeffery, Laughing Jack, and Widemouth chanting Harry on. Jeff even went as far as lending three of his sharpest kitchen knives for the attempt. Thankfully, Harry's abilities allowed him to levitate the knives in place when they started falling in a disastrous direction.

Needless to say, Jeff's "babies" were confiscated with the self-mutilated sociopath clinging to his ankle pleading like an impudent toddler the entire afternoon.

Seeing Harry's display of… "magic" encouraged Slendy to do more in-depth reading of the books he had on the Wizarding World and, frankly, he did not like what he saw. He could only pray that their society had improved in the hundred-plus years since he'd stolen –er "borrowed" the books. Bigotry, racism, sexism, severe isolationism, political corruption, special privileges to the elite families, denying jobs to those of common ancestry, the list went on. And even then, it didn't include the long history of Dark Lords systematically destroying the society one reign-of-terror at a time.

And now, there was news of this "Dumbledore".

He had contacted the London Fog Stalker a little while after Harry arrived to monitor any news that came through involving the boy. He trusted the Stalker to keep this between themselves and not involve the Council. If they found out they may take… action.

One that involved "eliminating the risk" Harry posed to their operation.

The Stalker informed him of the overheard conversation between two magicals at the café. It disturbed Slendy to know that these witches and wizards were on a man-hunt, er, boy-hunt at the word of just one man without a just reason, cause, or method. They just blindly accepted his orders as-is.

Truly disturbing.

What's more, apparently, he was adamant that Harry return to the abusive custody of the Dursleys. Slenderman had no clue how the mysterious wizard would do it, but he knew Dumbledore must be someone very powerful or very corrupt to be able to remove the Dursleys from their sentence.

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