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It was Christmas time and Mac and Blake had been together around 6 months now.

Everyone was gathered at Mac and Bozers again with all of the Christmas lights up and drinking warm hot chocolate.

"You know that's one thing I don't like about LA. It shouldn't be this warm at Christmas time" Blake shrugged

"Give me proof Santa isn't real?" Mac asked Jack

"Santa is not real you nerd" Jack told him.

"You're not a grown man who still believe in Santa are you?" Cage asked

"I'm a grown man who can't rule out the existence of Santa"

"Don't bother babe, Jack told me Santa wasn't real at age 6. Him and my dad fought about it like physically. Then when I got ill he felt bad and told me Santa is real" Blake tilted her head at Jack

"I felt bad ok, plus your dad won that fight"

"Jack my dad won every fight" She smirked

"He's gonna love Mac" Jack smirked

"See why do you have to say that" Mac pointed out

"Leave him alone" Jack continues laughing as Blake kisses Macs cheek before heading inside.

"You told her at 6 that Santa wasn't real? That's cold Jack" Cage laughed

"I was doing her a favour then she got sick and I felt bad so I dressed as Santa and brought all the children in the hospital toys" Jack explained as Blake headed back outside and kissed Jacks head

"That's why you're my favourite uncle and I love you" she sat down next to Mac who wrapped his arm around her.

Soon Matty came up and stood there looking serious

"Well Christmas is over" Blake sighed

"We have a serious problem you know that bomb you built in LA last week" Matty spoke to Mac.

"Our intel wasn't complete, the building wasn't clear there was a Maintenance man who died when the wall collapsed on him"

"Hang on I swept that building it was clear" Jack said

"I'm sorry but LAPD have a warrant out for your arrest Mac they're on there way here now" she told them

"So what do we do?" Bozer asked

"I don't know" she admitted

"You don't know? That's not good enough" Blake stood up.

"I assure you I'm making all of the call but we need to maintain our covers" just then the doorbell rang.

"Listen to me, we will get you out of this ok" Blake told him pulling him close.

"You're gonna come home And we are going to have Christmas together" she whispered. He gave her a long tender kiss before answering the door and they took him away.


Everyone was gathered at Phoenix talking about what they need to do

"Mac can't say anything, he can't reveal anything" Matty explained

"That's not helping get him out right now Matty" Blake was getting frustrated. Jack was pacing around like a mad man and Blake wasn't any better.

"You're the tech girl Riley get us in to LAPD database" Jack demanded

"What do you think I'm trying to do! They have like 20 different platforms" she told him.

Blake picked up her phone and dialled a number

"Jacob it's me, Listen I need information" Blake spoke

"Listen to me I saved you're ass 4 times so you owe me, I need information on Angus Macgyver, everything they have" she told him.

"Fine you have 10 minutes" Blake hung up. 10 minutes later he called back and the files showed up on the screen.

"That's him? That's George Ramsy? I've seen him before" Bozer walked closer

"He was driving away before the building came down" Bozer explained 

"So Mac didn't kill him, someone did and but his body in the building to cover it up" Blake walked closer to the screen.

"But who and why?" Matty asked

"That's what we gotta find out" Jack sighed

Blake and Mac Where stories live. Discover now