Chapter 5 : Cassandra

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Josiah stood in the doorway of the bathroom with a sly smirk on his face. My eyes drifted around his body he was certainly strong with the way his muscles were bulging out ever so slightly. Jeremiah slipped his arms around my waist and placed a tender kiss on my neck, a shiver shooting through my back unintentionally. I covered my mouth with my hand biting back a moan that threatened to slip out. "Let me hear you, I want to hear your sweet voice." Jeremiah whispered as he continued his attack on my neck. "N-no." I whimpered, clenching my fists. Josiah walked over to use slowly as if he was stalking his prey, me, I was his prey. Josiah's hands quickly found my hips shocks appearing as soon as he touched me. While Jeremiah went to town on my neck leaving a length of heat, Josiah claimed my lips with his nipping at my lips playfully. I whimpered under their touch wanting more.

"Alpha!" A voice called as the bedroom door slammed open. I leaped out of their arms shuffling towards a corner fumbling with my clothes as I tried to smooth them out. Jeremiah and Josiah growled not happy that they had been interrupted, they stepped in front of me protectively shielding me from the man that had burst into the room. "My apologies Alphas." The man bowed, casting his eyes to the floor. "What do you want?" Josiah growled angrily. "There have been rouges spotted at the eastern border, and they are approaching pack lands quickly." He explained. Josiah growled stalking back into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. "Call gamma Aoife and have him meet us at the border and gather up our five strongest warriors and Madison." Jeremiah commanded. The wolf bowed quickly exiting the room.

Josiah emerged from the bathroom wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts with a permanent scowl on his face. "We will be right back. Do not go anywhere." Josiah ordered pulling me into his chest and leaving a searing kiss on my neck. Jeremiah sauntered over with a smirk on his face as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips before they slipped out of the room closing the door behind them. Slowing my breathing I honed in on my senses listing for the slam of the front door. After hearing the front door slam I began to relax finally being out of their intimidating aura.

I paced around the room trying to get my thoughts together but my nerves were on edge. I was in an unfamiliar place with two insanely sexy-- no, two insanely possessive alpha males, no family, no friends, I was alone. My nerves started to build up again at the realization of the situation I had found myself in. I can not do this. I'm not fit to be a mate, an Alpha? Of course it's what I've spent years training for, but a mate? I had no clue. I did not want to disappoint them, it would destroy me. After the incident I well enough did not want a mate, although he was not my destined mate, he had tried to claim me as his. Goddess I could not go through that again. I have to leave, I have no other choice. looking around the room I spotted the window and peek out it, luckily the window was at the back of the house and pointing towards the west, opposite to where the twins were headed. Opening the window I throw my legs over the edge before letting the unknown power surge through me making my body feather light. Landing softly I take off in a sprint towards the treeline.

If I remembered correctly the way back to my pack should be about an hour run from here. Stopping at the border I take off my clothes and tie them together, shifting I pick my clothes up and take off towards my pack not wanting to waste a single second. Loud roars shook the forest making my blood run cold, they knew I left and they were not very happy. Taking off I dive past trees and branches pushing myself to the limit, I stop for a second to rub mud on my fur in an attempt to cover my scent. Hopefully it will work.

After running for about an hour I came to my pack's borders. I slow down to a trot as I walk further into our land.

"Cassie?" I turn to see Savannah looking at me in shock.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were with your mates?" She asked. I whined, nudging her leg with my snout.

"Follow me. I'm linking Fletcher now." She sighed, turning around heading towards her house. We get to her place and I shift outside before walking in not wanting to track mud through her house.

"Go shower, you stink." She cringed, pinching her nose and pointing to her bathroom. Heading in I quickly shower washing the dirt and debris off my skin. I used her vanilla scented shampoo and body wash, smelling better than when I first got here I smile happily to myself. Stepping out of the shower I dry off with the towel she handed me and slipped on my clothes. Stepping out of the bathroom and heading towards the kitchen where Savanah could be heard rushing around the kitchen and making tea.

Fletcher came through the front door with a scowl on his face. I grinned sheepishly as I walked into the kitchen with Fletcher on my heels.

"Knock knock." I said stepping in and taking a seat at the counter. Savannah turned around with a tea kettle in her hand. Pouring each of us a cup she sat down across from me taking a delicate sip.

"Now, do you care to explain to me why you're back?" Savannah asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Sighing I set down my tea, why is everyone treating me like I am a five year old?

"I can't be their mate. I'm not suited for the position. You both know I never wanted a mate." Savannah looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"Did you give them a chance?" Fletcher asked. I nodded earning an annoyed scoff.

"Really? because if I remember correctly they just picked you up earlier his morning, and it's only eleven o'clock in the evening." Fletcher accused, Savannah nodded along with a stern expression.

"Sav! It was terrible! All they did was put their hands on me, getting me aroused, I doubt that's the way mate's are supposed to act. I do not want to go through that torture again." I countered. Savannah rolled her eyes sending me a glare.

"Why are Fletcher and I always trying to get you out of your mood? We know, you went through shit. But at some point you need to grow some balls and start taking charge of your life and pushing past your trauma." She scolded.

"I have Alpha blood! I know how to take charge, and I am taking charge by rejecting my mates. I do not need a mate to make me happy let alone two." Savannah stood up from her chair, walked around the counter, her hand coming up and slapping me.

My headshot to the side from the impact, not a sound could be heard as I processed what just happened. I looked at Savannah to see her crying. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her silver eyes were wet and trembling.

"I've seen your future," She starts her voice cracking between words. "You need to give them a chance. They are your protectors, without them the alpha will come and take you as his like he tried all those years ago." Savannah's hands shook as she pulled me into a hug, I had not realized I was crying until a sob left my lips. Oracles are always right about the future, and as my best friend, the only thing I could do would be to trust her.

"Damn, Savannah..." Fletcher sat shocked in his seat. We had always known for Savannah to be the sweet quiet girl of the pack, I must have really disappointed her. Guilty squeezed my heart as I started reflecting on my actions.

"I linked Alpha Parker, your mates are here. They are with him in his office." Savannah sniffled pulling away from me. I frowned knowing that my freedom had been short lived. "I linked for Cole to help Fletcher from here and they'll escort you to your mates." Savannah explained handing me a tissue and wiping her eyes.

"Why?" I quickly questioned.

"Your mates do not trust you alone, they are afraid that you may run again." Savannah explained. Rolling my eyes I grumble under my breath as I wait for my brother to pick me up.

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