Chapter 17: Cassandra

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My glare never left Madison as she declared war against me.

"Are you sure you wish to challenge me? I won't go easy on you. You have overstepped your place one too many times." I growled as I stripped out of my dress.

"I belong by their sides! Not some ungrateful bitch like you!" She growled out her voice booming with power. Josiah and Jeremiah stepped forward with a threatening growl, placing my hands on their chest. I push them back shaking my head. They watched me intently, anger swirling in their beautiful eyes. Turning back I place my attention on Madison, who works shorts and an all too revealing top.

Her face twisted in anger and determination as she watched me, her eyes subtly flicking to Josiah earning a growl from me. I had predicted that she would try something like this so I opted to wear a sports bra and running shorts underneath my dress, better safe than sorry. The crowd parted as I stalked towards Madison. The crowd rumbled slowly with conversation as the battle began.

"I can't believe Madison would do this." Someone murmured behind me.

"I hope she wins, what is so special about this girl? She's avoided us for such a long time, it's borderline disrespectful." The other voice responded.

"I heard that she is of Alpha blood, so she has to be stronger than Madison." Another voice chimed in. The majority of the crowd was cheering me on chanting 'Luna' over and over again. My chest swelled in pride and confidence as I came to a stop in front of Madison. While she bared her teeth at me growling and snapping in my direction, I was calm and my senses sharp. Tapping into my strength I let my wolf take over, things are about to get interesting.

Madison lunged forward, her arms reaching out to grab me, shifting to the side I dodged her attack grabbing her arm in the process and twisting it behind her back. She howled out in pain as she struggled in my grasp. I landed a punch onto her cheek, her head violently whipping to the side. Her free hand swung back slashing at me, leaning back I let her go to avoid her attack. Madison swung around throwing attack after attack as I blocked each one, she was being reckless leaving herself open. Swinging my fist up I plant a hard punch into her ribs, she doubles over her hand holding her side. Madison glared up at me panting, her eyes holding hatred and anger. Madison lunged once more shifting before her paws came up for another attack. I dodged leaning left and right as she threw attack after attack. I landed blow after blow to her knocking her backwards making her lose her balance. I spin throwing a roundhouse kick to her side sending her flying in the opposite direction. My body hummed with power, I fought my hardest to keep the unknown power at bay, I couldn't let anyone know about it. I knew my eyes must have changed to a pure white by this point, the last time I experimented with the power this had happened. Closing my eyes I let my senses take over and pinpoint her exact location.

'Kill her!' Josiah and Jeremiah's voices boomed in my head. I had never taken a life before, but I knew if I allowed her the chance to live she'd continue coming after me. With my eyes closed I sprint over to her, skidding to a stop I grab her by her neck and bring her into a headlock. She thrashed in my arms trying to break free of my grip. With a snap I break her neck, her body going limp in my arms. Everyone breaks out in cheers as I let her go standing tall and proud without a single scratch on me. I take deep breaths reigning in my power, as I feel my eyes stop burning I am sure they are back to normal.

"I, Alpha Jeremiah Stone, introduce and initiate Cassandra Rivers into the blood moon pack as our mate and Luna." The crowd roared in cheers as their links opened everyone rushing into my mind, I smiled at my new pack pride swelling up in my chest.

"Welcome, Luna Rivers!" They cheered once again. I smiled widely at my pack as they bowed their heads. Josiah and Jeremiah placed kisses to my temples each taking my hands.

After finishing the ceremony we retired to the back yard where Lily had everything decorated similar to the front yard. Tables were filled with food and wolves as everyone chatted amongst themselves. Lily was with Bryan over at the other table with Aoife.

"How do you feel?" Serenity asked as she took a seat next to me. Her silver hair was cut to a short bob with bangs which accented her delicate features. Serenity and I had grown so close over the past week, and I was thankful that we have. She understood me better, and it makes me miss Savannah a bit. I had also begun to open up to her about my abilities.

"I feel complete. But I can't keep what you said out of my mind." I started staring blankly at my hands.

"About Alpha Greyson." Serenity let out a chuckle. "Honey, you of all people should not be addressing him as 'Alpha' we all know that he is anything but." Serenity waved her hand dismissing the term. "I know, it's a hard habit to break." I admit nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

"The most we can do now is train and be ready for when he comes. Have you told your mates yet? I'm sure that they'll want to know about an impending war. What about your powers? They're nothing I've ever seen before." Serenity asked, taking a sip of her water. Giving a nervous laugh I look anywhere but at Serenity.

"You haven't told them have you?" She asked already knowing the answer. "I haven't figured out a way to bring it up yet. I highly doubt they want me talking about, let alone thinking about a crazy Alpha that wants me as his mate." I admit running my hands over my face.

"You need to tell them soon, I'm sure they'll want to know." Serenity urged her face vacant of the laid back expression she always wore.

"Also, have you all done the..." Serenity started with a wiggle of her eyebrows. I'm sure if my skin was even slightly lighter she would be able to see the blush that heated my skin.

"No..." I state trailing off.

"What's taking you so long? Trust me, if I had a mate, let alone two sexy mates like yours I would be all over them like white on rice." Serenity practically screeched. A low growl followed her words, glancing around I saw Aoife watching her with stern eyes.

"News flash, you do have a mate." I say motioning to the angry Gamma.

"Psh, him? He hasn't even acknowledged that I'm his mate. As far as I'm concerned I have no mate." Serenity turned her nose up. Rolling my eyes I chuckled, this girl is going to be the end of me.

"Why is our gamma over in the corner looking like someone stole his favorite toy?" Jeremiah's cool voice came from behind me followed by a hand slipping around my waist and a set of lips pressing to either side of my temple.

"Just discussing girl stuff. We haven't mentioned anything about him." Serenity quickly mentions.

"But, I put in a good word for you two." She winked before standing up and sauntering off. I watched her retreating form as she disappeared into the pack house.

I looked at Josiah who stood at my side. His eyebrows raised in questioning.

"Good word?" Jeremiah asked with an amused look.

"Ummm...She asked if we fully mated yet...and suggested that we do so soon." I say looking down at my hands as I wiggled my fingers in my lap.

"Well, I suppose that can be arranged." Josiah smirked with a mischievous glint in his eye. Damn you Serenity.

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