Chapter 21: Cassandra

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My head throbbed as I slowly rose out of unconsciousness, the pain seeping further into my mind. My wrist and ankles burned as I slowly began to wake up. Cracking open my eyes I adjust to the dark room that I was currently in. Lifting my head up I glanced around, I was in some sort of cell...Where am I? As I try to step forward a searing pain shoots through my ankles, looking down I see silver chains wrapped around my wrists and ankles. The last thing I remember was walking outside looking for my mates. Panic surged through my veins as I realized I was nowhere near home, I could not even feel Josiah or Jeremiah's presence.

"Oh, you are awake." A deep voice rang throughout the cell. Looking towards the barred door I see Greyson standing there in a crisp blue suit and a smug smirk on his lips.

"What did you do with my mates?" I growl yanking at the chains and ignoring the searing pain from the silver.

"I have not done anything to them...but it seems that they've completed the mating ritual. But no worries, my beautiful mate. I have a witch that can break that." My eyes grew at the mention of a witch, it was strictly forbidden in the supernatural world for witches to interfere with mating rituals.

"NO!" I growl, shaking the chains harder, the silver burning further into my skin.

"If you come anywhere near me with a witch I swear I will kill you." Greyson only smirks with my threat.

"You have no choice. Don't you see? The moon goddess brought us together for a reason, to rule over all shifters. You will be my queen." This man is completely crazy, goddess how am I going to get out of here.

Greyson unlocked the door strolling inside but stopping far enough that I could not reach him, smart boy.

"Let me give you some insight on our past and future together. Long ago when my father, Alpha Alexander held power over my pack he had me with his mate. However, my mother was not of alpha blood, so in turn my father had her killed after I was born. The moon goddess came to him, and told him to seek a mate, an alpha female. But as far as he knew none had been discovered before. Until the first time he went to the moon dance, he saw her...your mother." A sinister look snaked onto Greyson's face in response to my shocked gasp.

"While my father did meet his mate, he was far more interested in taking your mother as his. Unfortunately things do not always go according to plan. His wolf overpowered him and forced him to mate with his true mate, three months later and I'm born. Although my father did end up killing her. Years later after you were born he decided to finally attack. He hired rogues to distract your pack and mess with their heads, which worked until they saw you and your mother thinking you were regular wolves, they killed her. It was a shame, really. But since my father failed he put me up to the task of making our pack stronger. We knew you were of alpha blood, which was perfect. This time we will not fail." Greyson smirked before turning and leaving the room.

Alpha Alexander was the one who caused my mother's death. My vision turned red as anger began to consume me. I shook where I stood, my body wanting to shift and rip Greyson's head off of his shoulders. I yanked at the chains with all my might the silver searing my skin, I couldn't care less my wolf was in full control. Striding over to the door I grip the bars yanking them to the side and creating an opening. Stepping out I dash upstairs, my snout elongating as I begin to shift.

"Not so fast, pup." A hand grabs my ankle stopping me in my tracks, I was so angry I had not seen the guards that stood outside my cell. A sharp prick shot through my ankle as I looked down to see the guard injecting me with a purple liquid, wolfsbane. My eyes droop and the strength slips from my body as I collapse onto the stairs.

"Cassandra."A voice echoed around me. Everything was white blinding me as I tried to look around.

"I am here my dear." Focusing my eyes I come face to face with the most beautiful woman I have even seen. Her hair was long and white, with streaks of grey framing her face. Her skin was pale and her eyes a striking black, she's the moon goddess.

"Goddess." I greet bowing my head in respect.

"Do not give up, I have been dealing with him and his family for the past decade. You will make it through this, even if you think you will not. But I must tell you something, you are truly the chosen one. The one who will rule over all. And your mates will rule alongside you, there will be a major battle, but you must fight your hardest. I will be here whenever you call. I have blessed you with a gift, one that provides your body and soul with all the strength you may ever need. Your eyes of pure snow, the ability to control the elements, and many more. You will discover them in due time, but for now you must use them to escape and end this man's terror. " The Moon goddess' voice faded as the white began to turn back to the dark that I had become accustomed to.

What felt like weeks passed since the last time Greyson visited me. The guards would bring me food once a day, by the putrid smell I could tell they laced it with wolfsbane. After the first time I learned my lesson and refused to eat what they brought me. Fortunately, some rats and mice scurried around my cell which allowed me to shift and catch them as my meals. Something was better than nothing at this point. Thinking back to what the moon goddess said, it seems like Greyson's bloodline was far more corrupt than I originally thought. I could not decipher what she meant by 'the chosen one.' What was I chosen for? What were these powers called and what can I do with them? What did my mates have to do with it? What was there to be ruled over? She left me with so many unanswered questions, but I suppose she could not tell everything that's going to happen.

Bars clanged as the guards brought in my first meal of the day. I sat in the corner baring my teeth and warning them not to come close to me.

"Settle down pup, your time is coming." One of the men leered at me bearing his teeth as well.

"How much longer does your 'Alpha' plan on holding me down here? I'm sure my mates are looking for me." The other guard broke out in laughter slapping his knee obnoxiously.

"What the hell are you laughing about." I growled as the hairs on my neck began to stand up.

"Your mates are not looking for you, they have a replacement. remember that she wolf you killed, Madison was it?" The guard asked, shaking my head slowly I grew suspicious.

"Our witch brought her back to life. She was working with us the entire time. The witch transformed her to look like you, and your mates were dumb enough to fall for it." As the guard finished a searing pain began to shake through my body, the all too familiar pain of my mates sleeping with another wolf. 

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