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Disclaimer - I do not own any characters or ideas (except Autumn but oh whale) these are the brilliance of James Dashner 

A/N - I update everyday unless there is something really important going on (family birthday's, no wifi, runs, etc...) but I let you guys know when those are gonna happen so for now just expect the story to be updated everyday. 

Also there is a POV switch in this chapter, (not at the beginning) and I just wanted to know if you guys like those or not?

        I walked towards the Homestead, I was going to go see Clint and Jeff, (the Med-jacks) about my hand situation. I mean I guess it should have been obvious that I shouldn't just touch random  things, but apparently my logic failed me. These were my thoughts as I walked up the stairs and into the room. 

        "Autumn, hey what?" Clint's question was answered when he noticed my wrapped hand. "Come sit down and I'll take a look at it." He gestured for me to come sit in a chair and I obliged. Jeff must be off treating another Glader because he wasn't in the room. I watched as Clint unwrapped my hand with his steady ones. 

        "What have you done to yourself greenie?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I noticed that his hair was already greying, funny, I guess it's hard to notice details like that when you're working.  

        "I tried to make friends with a beetle blade." I shrugged avoiding Clint's eye. 

        "You what?" 

        "I touched a bloody beetle blade, while I was in the Maze." I answered. I noticed his eyes widen and a smirk settle upon his face. 


        "Bloody?" He raised his eyebrow so high up that I was surprised it didn't sprout wings and fly off his face. My eyes widened and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I looked down at the floor then back at Clint who was still maintaining a massive smirk. I rolled my shoulders forwards and gave my best 'please-don't-judge-me-too-harshly' face before replying. 

        "It just happened okay? Let it go shuckface." 

        I was quiet the rest of the time I was there. It took about twenty minutes (actually seventeen, now I know thanks to my fancy watch) for Clint to unwrap, clean, lecture me and re-wrap my hand. It was a boring seventeen minutes however, no one talked. I wasn't even sure what I had been thinking about. So naturally I was very relieved when he said that I could leave. 

        Once I had gotten out of the Homestead I realized that I actually had nothing to do. Newt was still out with the runners and I had no idea where Minho went. So I settled on wandering the Glade aimlessly. I had seen all the layout of The Glade but I hadn't physically got to walk around the whole place, so that's what I did. It was odd, I felt like I should hum or whistle or anything really, but I couldn't remember anything. I had noticed the selective memories by now of course but I had to wonder why.  

        I shook the thoughts out of my head, they would do me no good in there right now anyways, and continued walking. I had reached the Deadheads now. I was about to take another step when I heard a sound. I stopped mid-step, my foot hovering above the ground and turned in the direction of the sound. There it was again! I stepped closer and listened as hard as I could. It was a sniffle, it sounded like someone was...crying. 

        I walked over to the sound, not giving up my stealth just yet. After all if it was me I wouldn't want anyone here to know that I'd been crying... I took another few cautious steps towards the source of the sobs. I saw a figure leaning against a tree. I moved so I was looking through the branches of a big poplar tree. It was Gally! I had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from gasping. 

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