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Disclaimer - Okay let me set the scene...pretend it's like the game Little Big Planet where all the ideas float up to create a's like that but the ideas are actually all James Dashners and I'm just a little sackboy running around inside his genius creation. 

A/N - Sorry this is a day late guys...I was at my friends house and I have a story about that but that is for later (aka the end of the chapter) 

It snowed today...ew 

Autumn's POV 

        "Morning Chuckie." I said as I plopped down onto the bench across from Chuck. The poor shank hasn't made any other friends in the Glade... everyone just sort of tolerates him. Like that strange cousin that is just there and you are forced to accept it... Honestly, I feel bad for the kid. He's actually kind of sweet. 

        "Autumn." He looked up from his food, towards me. I noticed a hint of sadness in his vibrant blue eyes and wondered why. It had been about a week since Chuck had arrived...perhaps it was about his job. He sighed and I noticed his eyes kept darting from his food to me, like he wanted to say something. 

        "Spill it." I smiled at his flustered expression. 

        "I don't fit in any of these jobs. I'm about as talented as a piece of...klunk." He looked at me as if he was asking for help. 

        "Don't worry about it." I pointed my fork towards myself and added, "If you get a piece of klunk job you always have me since I can't run, again...and I keep getting injured." I saw the ghost of a smile appear on Chuck's face. He nodded a little, more to himself than to me, then proceeded to shove a giant mouthful of food into his mouth. 

        I sighed. This lack of running has lead to a lack of seeing my friends and it's making me kind of sad. I scanned the area with my eyes, it was full of many frowning faces and solemn eyes. It's weird to see so much unhappiness in such a young group of people. It's unsettling. To say the least, yes I did feel the need to try to fix that. 


        "What are you doing?" Chuck asked as I dragged him by his pudgy little wrist through the Glade. I stopped, turning to face him. He was only a bit shorter than me but I had the height advantage for once in my life! 

        "How old are you?" 

        "What? I don't remember—" 

        "You look about thirteen." I replied to him, cutting him off. 

        "So, what are we doing exactly..." 

        "Don't try to change the topic!" I punched his shoulder lightly, then added with a smile, "I'm getting to it." He rolled his eyes in response but didn't ask anything else. "Have you laughed at all this week?" A confused and slightly taken aback Chuck shook his head in response. 

        "Exactly! It's unnatural. So am going to make you laugh, and smile and be happy because I am in that kind of mood and you are my partner in crime today." I stated happily. I turned back around and continued dragging Chuck behind me. 

        "Well you didn't actually answer —" 

        "Shut up, just wait and see for yourself Chuckie." 


        One week. It had taken Chuck and I one week to create an elaborate plan of attack. Or a plan of how to annoy everyone around you... 

        "What the bloody hell did you do?" Newt walked over to me. I was laying on the ground outside of the Homestead. 

        "What do you mean?" I asked, using the most innocent voice I could muster. 

        " it wasn't you?" He stood in front of me, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. 

        "What wasn't me?" He just laughed, shook his head and pulled me up off the ground. Everything was going as planned... I bit my lip to stop from smiling as I let Newt drag me to the Homestead. There was about twenty other boys gathered around the door to the Homestead. All with equally bewildered faces and small smiles. We made our way through the crowd until I stood in the entrance to the Homestead. 

        From floor to ceiling it was filled completely with...balloons. Hundreds of brilliant red balloons filled the room. Newt pointed towards the balloons in an I-know-you-did-it kind of way. I smiled at him and he closed his eyes back at me, like he was at a complete and utter loss for any words to even begin to describe what he was feeling. 

        "Do I even want to ask where you got them from?" He asked finally opening one eye at me. I smiled. 

        "Why do you just assume it was me?" 

        "Who else could it bloody be?" He took a step towards me. I crossed my arms and looked stubbornly up at him. "Who else has no job right now, the ability to even get balloons, or these ideas?" He took a step closer with each sentence. 

        "Hmmm," I put my hand against my face in a questioning fashion. "You know I do believe that sounds a lot like know what else is like me?" I grabbed a balloon from behind me, praying that he didn't notice. 

        "This." I pulled the balloon in front of him and with a loud pop it exploded. It didn't just explode with each balloon was filled with a mixture of water, mud, grass, leaves...basically all the random klunk Chuck and I could find. I didn't even wait to see the surprised reaction on his face, I bolted for the door. 

        I was almost through it when it slammed shut. 

        "Sorry..." A high pitched voice shouted through the door, the wood muffling it slightly. It was Chuck! That traitorous little shuckface! 

        "You traitor!" I yelled back at him. I laughed, "I've been double crossed! What is this?" I said still laughing, I heard a snicker and a high five from outside the door. A high five...? Although I didn't have much time to ponder the thought, as a balloon had exploded dangerously close to me. I was trapped! There was a closed door behind me and a great deal of un-exploded balloons in front of me, not to mention the smiling Newt with a balloon in each hand coming towards me.        

        "No way!" I shook my head at Newt. "Nope." There was no way I was getting out of this without getting covered in the contents of our balloons... I made the decision then. I pushed off from the wall behind me and ran through the balloons, popping them as I went. 

        "No Autumn!" Newt's expression turned from shock to fear to happiness in a matter of seconds. And before I knew it everything was a blur of laughter, balloons popping and a whole lot of mud. 

A/N - Hey guys sorry if this chapter sucked...I'm having a little bit of writers block atm and yeah... :/ 

But the story I mentioned at the beginning. Okay so I slept over at my friends house and we had gone to the park (because we are mature teenagers) and it was dark because Canada... but anyways. We got to the park and there was a cat there and at first we just kind of looked at it, but then it came up to us and let us pet it and stuff. And everything was normal and it was just like a friendly cat and everything. So we continued on playing at the park and the cat just kind of stood gaurd... 

Then when we where leaving it followed us! And it would sprint up to the front of our little group and then circle to the back to like make sure everyone was there and safe. But it would like srint ahead and check corners then wait for us and it was like it was protecting us! And me and my friends are major nerds and basically decided it was like McGonagall or something and this sounds really lame but it was exciting.... I'm gonna stop rambling now... 

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