Pauses Then Says

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Disclaimer - now I bet you know the thing...these ideas are James Dashner's, not mine... But bless you if you thought so because wow...

Autumn's POV

It was dark, nighttime. All the Gladers were asleep. Not me, I was laying in a hospital bed shaking, all because of some shuck memory? Why did a piece of my brain have so much power over me... I sat up, hugging my knees, my cold hands clasped together. I stared into the darkness, wishing that I really could have forgotten that. Why did I need to remember that? I shook my head in a sad attempt to rid myself of the thoughts. Then all of a sudden the gravity of the memory crashed down on me, a suffocating mass of terror. I could feel my heartbeat speed up, it was like all the post traumatic stress had been bundled up inside me for too long and had all came rushing back.

I got up off the bed, and stumbled (loudly) through the Homestead until I came across Newt's room. I opened the door with a trembling hand. Newt looked like he hadn't fallen asleep. He sat awake on his bed, hair disheveled from stress. He looked up at me, mouth slightly parted. I said nothing, just walked shakily to his bed and laid down on top of the covers, next to him. We weren't touching but I could feel his presence.

After a long silence he spoke, "Do you want to talk 'bout it?" He asked me simply. I didn't reply for a long time, my eyes reflecting the emptiness that they stared into.

"I-I remembered being, uh trapped in this place full of crazy people." I couldn't explain it to him in full detail, he didn't remember anything and I did not feel like describing everything. He sighed, clearly not knowing how to respond. I had finally calmed down, my breathing was back to normal and my thoughts had stopped being rudely interjected by images of Cranks. I propped myself up on one elbow, in preparation for getting up off of Newt's bed. I felt a warm hand on my arm and turned to look at Newt, I could just make out a pleading look in the dimly lit room.

"Stay?" He asked. I felt my heart flutter, but this time not because of the horrific memories.

"Fine but I'm getting under this blanket because I'll freeze." I mentally facepalmed myself for being such an awkward person. I could practically feel Newt smiling at me as I slid under the soft blanket. I turned so my back was facing him.

"I got stabbed you know...someone wanted, probably still wants me dead." I stated softly. I don't really know where that thought had come from, I guess I never really gave myself the time to think about it afterwards... I felt two strong arms wrap around me, pinning my arms to my sides. Newt pulled me towards himself, so I felt his entire body pressed against mine. He was warm and I was cold...

"That's not true." He spoke softly and reassuringly to me.

"Well I actually did get a metal knife jabbed into my back so..." I had given up on my useless wriggling and lay still, enveloped in his arms. My heart was fast, but the good kind.

"I won't let them kill you." Newt hugged me tighter and I smiled. It was indescribable, but it was the best feeling I had ever felt. It was warm, and it was safe and for once I let go of my fears and my ghosts. The memory of the Crank Palace had completely gone from my mind. I turned in his arms, (with more difficulty than I anticipated), so I was facing him. I smiled up at him and buried my head into his chest. I heard his steady heartbeat and felt my eyes droop. I don't remember what I was thinking, or if I even was...but I didn't need to.

We were silent, but this silence was beautiful. It was one of the great unknown, sparks and love. I felt him shift, holding me away slightly so I looked up at is face. Through the darkness I saw him open his mouth, close it, then open it again before mumbling.

"You're my best friend." I stared into his brown eyes, mine darting back and forth into each one. I felt his arms, pulling me into his warm body. I felt heat rush to my cheeks and a smile spread across my face. I moved my head upwards and crashed my lips onto his.

Time seemed to stand still, and the room seemed to light up gold. In that moment everything was perfect...

"I think you're mine too..."

A/N - whoawhoawhoawhoa....

So this chapter was shorter...but two in one day AND THEY KISSED!!!!!!

Also if you get the title come be my best fwienddddd ;)

The Glitch (Newt || The Maze Runner Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon