Chapter 5: Now Or Never (Part 3) (Edited)

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After I had spent time with the Driinkiins as well as the warriors and guards from the village for a while, I had then said my goodbyes to them before I had gone back to the Chieftain's room, a rage boiling so hot inside of that I wish I was still able to use my magic.

I've never had freshly roasted snake before after all.

"Ah, if it isn't."

"You sleazy could you!?" I snarled as I attempted to pounce onto Basilisk, his tail whipping me aside as he hissed at me.

"The hell?! What's with the attitude and feistiness all of a damn sudden?!" He roared back as he slithered over towards me, his ignorance almost making my jaw fall off.

"You ate my friend you ass! How dare you say you want to escape, that you hate the Chieftain and wish to go home but still continue to do what he says?!" I screamed before immediately rolling back onto my feet, my fur bristling as I fully prepared to attack him if I needed to.

"I did what I had to! If I had disobeyed, everyone would've suffered lashes that would render us unable to walk for weeks!"

"That's a pretty small price to pay! My friend would still be alive at least!" I continued to scream, hot tears brimming eyes again while my chest heaved up and down.

"I had to do something to keep the bastard off our asses somehow mutt." Basilisk spat before he turned around for a moment to get something out of his furs, the sight making the tears release.

", have your damn wolf back." He grumbled before gently setting down a bandaged but still very much alive Koko in front of me.

"Koko!" I cried as I rushed over, his quiet breathing making me sniffle as I gently rubbed my face against his cheek.

"Why would you-"

"Trust me, I was going to do it, until...I realized we are all going to escape tonight. I can eat something afterward." Basilisk huffed as he crossed his arms, the sight of Koko starting to open one of his chocolate-brown eyes making me smile gently.

"Your still an ass though," I said with a faint laugh, Basilisk scoffing a little before he sighed.

"I gave him some medicine hours earlier along with some food, he'll be badly scarred and bruised but he should be able to move by nightfall." He sighed before he laid down and simply looked at us, his golden eye...for once, showing some sort of compassion.


"Please don't, I hate it when people give me thanks." Basilisk interrupted immediately.

"Let's just say I owe you a favor and leave it at that."

I chuckled but nonetheless nodded. I was simply glad that he didn't eat my friend.

Once nightfall had finally rolled around, the outside of the tent completely being drenched in rain and thunder, I was feeling tired and drowsy from watching over Koko like a mother hen.

"'s nighttime, I just want to go home and sleep in my bed," I grumbled as I let my head fall onto my paws, Koko up and walking about as he whined a little and tried to get me to stand.

"You will sleep when we get home Beta, for now, you must stay awake," Koko said as I begrudgingly stood up, Basilisk slithering back and forth as he grabbed something from his fur covers.

"I will warn you once more mutt." He said, his stern voice not hiding his obvious excitement very well as he slithered over to me with a note in his hand.

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