Chapter 12: Final Boss (Final Part) (Edited)

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K-Koko...s-she killed him...why...why did she kill him?!?

"Koko!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I rushed to his side, blood as well as his insides scattered around him while a giant, gaping hole was in his side.



Who dared to laugh?

"Sad isn't it? To suddenly lose someone in a moment, right?" Sayri laughed.

Why was she laughing?!

"That's how I felt! But you didn't care! You forgot about me like I was trash! Now, look at you...crying over a pointless dog!?"

Why-Why was I even her friend again...? This wasn't the shy person I had known a year ago, she was nothing but a murderer...a whiny, bitch of a murderer!

'...Please let my kicks be strong enough for what I'm about to do...' I thought as I slowly rose to my feet, Sayri bellowing loudly as the cries and screams of war soon stopped.

My side or hers...they all knew the rules and she broke them.

"Once again, you lose to me-' Before she could even finish her sentence, I had taken the opportunity to lunge myself at her, my kicks rapid and full of fury as my kicks ranged from her back to her sides, to even her horn.

"Damn you!" I screamed as my body began to catch on fire.

"Damn you, damn you!" I continued, Sayri letting out a cry after cry as I continued to kick her.

She deserved to die...she deserved to die the same horrific death as she made my friend suffer through! But...I wasn't going to do that, no...she deserved to suffer a defeat. A lost that remind her that I was the wrong person to fuck with.

"Stop it!" She begged as her rhino form started to glitch from her human form to her animal form.

She was dead to me...she deserved to rot in the deepest pits of hell or whatever this world had! But I wasn't a murderer like her...I was better than this bitch.

"Fine." I spat before I quickly stopped kicking her, my feet firmly planted into the ground while flames started to circle my hands.

Sayri coughed up blood and lied on the ground the exact same way Koko did...except...he was dead, she was still alive. She deserved to lose something as well.

Once Sayri had finally stopped coughing and the parties were gathered around, it wasn't long before I grabbed onto something in my left hand, a flame sword...a neat little skill I never thought I would need until now.

"Consider this payback for my friend Sayri." I spat before I suddenly swung the sword down.

A scream that was straight out of a horror movie, blood splattered onto my face and most definitely my hand. I didn't care, she was overexaggerating like the whiny little girl she was, she only lost an arm for crying out loud, at least it wasn't her life like Koko's damn it.

"Eos..." I heard Ares say from behind me, his voice somehow making the tears start back up again as they slowly started to fall down my cheeks.

I shook my head and snapped my head towards Ares and slowly shook my head.

"No." I mouthed before I turned back to Sayri and her army.

"She broke the rule, do what you must and take her back where she came from," I said, trying to keep my composure as best as I could while two Paladins quickly came to their leader's side and helped her up.

"Wait-" Sayri said to her guards.

My eyes narrowed, I didn't want to hear a damn thing from her, I was wanted her to be gone.

"Eos I-"

"...You know me from Earth Sayri, you know...better than anyone...that I tend to be blunt." I said, venom and every emotion out there in the universe heavy in my voice.

"So, I'll make this as clear as I can." I continued.

"Fuck off bitch." I sniffled, her eyes going wide before they quickly narrowed.

"...I hate you."

"Same here damn it," I said as I watched the Paladins, as well as her entire army, begin to walk off the battlefield.

The war has been won...the unexpected final boss has been defeated for now but...I someone, someone who...who never deserved what he got. "Koko..." I sniffled before I finally fell on my knees and hugged his head, my tears falling even harder.

"Little girl," Ares said as I felt his head go on my back. I shook my head as I continued to hug Koko's head.

"Koko!!" I wailed, my tears more of waterfalls as I continued to rock back and forth.

Koko...the one who aided in me knowing the ways of this world, we-we had our ups and downs but...what friends didn't?

Why...why did you have to go?!

No...why didn't I stop you?!

"Koko, please...please!" I continued to sniffle as I felt more and more hands go on my back before...I soon felt a teardrop on the back of my neck, causing me to look up to see Torin.

How stupid of me...Torin, he was the one who was truly close to Koko.

"I'm sorry..." I said as I slowly got up and immediately hugged him, my shoulder growing wet as Torin sniffled and cried into it.

To lose people on the battlefield...expected but...that didn't mean I wanted it to happen to me, I lost not only one but...two friends today. For the second one, however? I could only pray, wish and hope that...wherever he goes.

He would be happier there. I don't know how long everyone was there crying on the battlefield but I knew for certain that it has been a few hours, as the mourning of all our fallen comrades slowly came to an end however, it didn't take much for me to convince everyone that I was better off staying behind a little bit longer.

I was never good with handling death after all.

"I hope you knew that I loved you, Koko..." I continued to sniffle as I stood in front of his grave.

No answer...but...I knew that somewhere...he just had to have been listening to me.

'Eos?' My collar suddenly vibrated.

I let out a weak 'Hm' in response.

'...It will be alright okay?' I chuckled weakly and nodded, Deimosa letting out weak purrs every now and then. She barely even knew who he was but she still understood grief at least.

"Of course...he's happier wherever he is now." I sighed as I took out my sword, looking it over a little bit before I placed it gently on Koko's grave.

'Your sword-'

"It's a piece of metal...I can buy something new." I whispered to myself more than Ibis as I continued to walk away.

An entirely different life this was indeed...and like I told myself that was seemingly so long ago. I'll get through it...all in the effort and hope of making the ones I left or have left me behind proud. There was no way of making the situation of Koko's passing any happier...I just knew that whatever lied in the near future. I was ready to face it and day, I was hopefully ready to explore it just a little bit more thoroughly.

The Journey Of A New Life Continues... 

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