Chapter 6: Back To Normal (Part 1) (Edited)

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Goodness, I love this guy's music! If you can, please follow Vindsvept on Youtube! His tracks are super good!

Now that was a pretty wild dream...a girl who was completely delusional? Thinking that she knew me and I knew her? That's something I've never had before! But I suppose I shouldn't be too alarmed at this point anymore, ever since I arrived in this world, I've been prone to some pretty weird dreams. And with those dreams, I just eventually learned to have them but ignore them.

"Ow..." I hissed immediately as soon as I dared to move an inch, my entire body feeling as if it were recently crushed by a boulder as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Last time I'm drinking a sweet-smelling drink." I sighed as I slowly put my paw to my head, expecting to feel fur but

"O-Oh my God..." I gasped, taking my paw off my head and inspecting it, my 'paw' now a fair peach-colored human hand.

"I'm human!" I chuckled in pure awe and slight disbelief as I slowly got up, my legs buckling underneath me a little as I made my way over to a nearby lake.

Once I had got there, the sight of my reflection in the water confirmed everything just like it did months prior...I had ash-grey eyes that reminded me of an oncoming storm, a fair peachy skin complexion that was dotted with small, light brown spots here and there, equally light brown freckles littering my pink-tinted cheeks and extremely long brunette hair that went all the way down to my calves.

I was back to normal...I was what I should've been in the first place, a human! And I enjoyed every feeling of it, from the cool feeling of the ground underneath my feet to the slight chill in the air I couldn't feel before due to my fur and even the movement of my own fingers.

"Though...I don't really remember being this curvy before I died." I mumbled quietly, noticing how my hips seemed to stick out just a little bit more, forming a sort of 'pear-like' body type.

It didn't matter too much to me though, I just simply took it as my body maturing or something when I was a dog.

"I once told myself I wanted longer hair," I said quietly as I decided to sit down and began to touch my hair, the nostalgic soft feeling of it making me grin ear-to-ear.

"Though, I'll have to braid it. There's no way I can run around with calf-length hair!" I snorted before I started to do just that, the sudden sound of someone clearing their throat making me swiftly turn my head to reveal three of Ibis' ghost-skinned helpers.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a slightly raised brow before I covered my unmentionables.

"You have become human." They all said in unison.

"Oh really? I thought I became another type of dog." I said.

They tilted their heads a little before turning their backs to me.

"We have been sent by Ibis; she requests your presence champion." They said before they started to walk off, leaving me to sigh but nonetheless walk after the creepy trio.

They could've at least given me some clothes first...after all, I don't exactly like the feeling of walking around stark-naked! As I walked through the cave, making sure to stay a reasonable distance from the trio, I couldn't help but feel as if the cave was somehow...prettier than before. Of course, the cave was still as beautiful when I first arrived! But, this time it felt different. From the gorgeous willow trees that suddenly seemed to range from a calm, mysterious dark green to a lively light green willow trees, to the patches of seemingly sparkling grass patches that had small, almost playful flying blue bugs hovering over them, to even the calming waterfalls where schools of tiny, crystal-like fish would fall into the calm, smooth lake every now and then!

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