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I walked away from my class, joining the crowded halls and heading to the Hufflepuff area.

"Hey, Y/n," Fawn said as she saw me enter, "can you help me with my potions homework?"

I took a deep breath, sitting down next to her on the couch against the wall. I looked over the chairs and table in front of me just to stare into the fire, burning brightly but not producing at heat.

I put my bag down and looked at Fawn's notes.

"Snape wanted me to practise this spell for the potion we're learning tomorrow, but I can't get the spell to work."

"Show me how you do it," I replied, reading her notes.

She did as asked and looked at me expectantly.

"Okay. You're moving your wand in the wrong direction. You're supposed to move it left, then up. You're doing everything else right."


Two hands clasped on my shoulders, making me jump. I turned around to see Courtney standing next to the couch, a smirk on her face.

"Hey, Courtney," I said. "What's up?"

"I'm going to a social thingy later and I'm dragging you with me."


"Calm down, it'll be fun." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "It's a group of students who are working together against Umbridge. I'm not totally sure, but I think Harry Potter is leading it."

"Oh, cool."

"Can I come?" Fawn piped up, excitement in her voice.

"Of course."


Fawn and I followed Courtney through the halls of Hogwarts, only somewhat crowded but not very. Courtney seemed to know where she was going, so we didn't question her. However, she stopped in front of a blank wall and waited.

Nothing happened, so Fawn spoke up. "Uh, what are we waiting for?"


Courtney knocked on the wall and a large set of brass double doors appeared. We entered the doors and saw a group of students standing in the room, talking amongst themselves.

Courtney closed the door and led us further into the room.

Harry Potter started talking and everyone quieted down. "Welcome to Dumbledore's Army. Here you will sign your name in an oath to the group," he started, passing around a piece of parchment. "Anyone who breaks this oath will not enjoy it. Today we will be practising the Expelliarmus charm."


Despite my previous thoughts, Dumbledore's Army was really fun, and I started going to every meeting. Meanwhile, Draco joined Unbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, a group of Slytherin dedicated to keeping "order" in the school.

The D.A. meetings were going as planned. We had learned a lot, all thanks to Harry Potter and his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

According to Courtney, today we would be practising the Patronus charm, and I was really excited. I was also scared, though, because my Patronus is really big.

Potter demonstrated how to properly perform the charm, and soon we were shouting the same set of words and moving our wands in the same way. I noticed a couple of people staring when I practised my charm, since a huge dragon would burst from my wands and fly around.

After a couple of tries, I stopped to watch Fawn and Courtney practise. Fawn has a beautiful doe, while Courtney's was a quick-moving fox. She giggled as it flew around her head before dispersing.

All noises halted when a loud "pop" sounded from the front of the room. A small house-elf—covered in clothes, to my surprise—ran to Potter.

"Don't has come to warn Harry Potter—they are coming, you must run!"

"Who is coming, Dobby?"

"The evil pink woman and her group of evil delinquents!"

We all began panicking, unsure of what to do. Potter and his friends started evacuating us in large groups, and we were instructed to run to our House areas. Fawn, Courtney, and I started running towards the Hufflepuff area when I saw Draco pass me. He and I were still dating and I was confused as to what he was doing. I turned away from my friends and called Draco's name.

"Draco! What are you doing?"

He stopped running, turned, and looked at me, eyes wide. "I have to help catch the students from Dumbledore's Army."

"No, you don't. They haven't done anything to you!"

"Ask Umbridge, I have to go!"

Then he ran off, leaving me alone in the halls.


I closed my eyes as I sat by the picture in my dorm, letting my thoughts drift and wander. It had been a week since Dumbledore's Army had been ambushed, and so far, Dumbledore was gone, Umbridge was now Headmistress, and I hadn't talked to Draco at all.

A sudden "pop" came from the front of them room and I looked over to see Darlice, the house-elf, standing there, holding a bouquet of roses and a letter.

"Someone wanted these delivered to you, Miss Y/n."

"Thank you, Darlice. Will you be in here tonight?"

"Yes, Miss Y/n. Goodbye now."

I grabbed the roses in my left hand and the letter in my right. I tore open the envelope and started reading.

Dear Y/n,

I know I messed up. I'm sorry. I should have listened to you, not Umbridge. And I know that you don't like flowers, but I thought they would be a nice addition. I'm not sure. Will you please forgive me?

Yours truly, D.M.

I clenched my fist against the stems of the roses, wincing but ignoring the sharp thorn that poked my palm. Of course I was angry with Draco, even though he's really sweet and he feels bad. But does he really feel bad? Or is his apology just a formality?

I felt something coarse and dry fall onto my arm and I looked over to see a withered leaf, its shade a dark grey-green. The bouquet of roses was completely wilted, practically falling apart in my hand. Had I done that? Just a minute ago they were bright and colourful. Now . . . they're just dead.

𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋) Where stories live. Discover now