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Panic flared through my body, but I was putting all of my already-limited energy into staying on the tower through the roaring, climbing fire. I coughed again, putting one of my hands over my mouth so I didn't inhale too much smoke.

Suddenly, a wild and desperate thought entered my mind. I took my hand away from my face and put it out in front of me, my other hand holding onto the desk. I focused all of my emotions--betrayal, anger, fear-- into my hand and pushed with all of my remaining energy.

I felt those emotions flow through my veins and into my hands. The flames soon started to slowly die down, and I was able to slowly climb down the tower. It was hard, though, because whenever I let go of my hold on the flames, they grew again, so I had to climb down the tower one-handed.

Eventually, I made it to the bottom of the tower, and, using both hands, pushed the flames away from me as best as I could. I ran to the doors and slammed them shut as soon as I was out of the room.

The hallway was empty, so I slumped down against the wall to catch my breath. I realised how little energy I had once again, and I eventually got up and quickly made my way downstairs to the kitchens. I entered to see an almost empty kitchen. I ran in, going straight for the back, where the House-Elves stored most of their food. Having a common room right next to the kitchens had its perks. 

I grabbed some food and ate quickly, needing to get back into the battle. I wonder if Draco thought I was dead again. 

I cursed under my breath. A bunch of tremors shook the castle as I stood back up. Feeling energised suddenly, I made my way through the castle. A parade of ghosts ran through the halls, thundering down despite being weightless. I reached into my boot for my wand and breathed a sigh of relief when I felt it there.

With a quick but helpful shielding charm, I felt a bit more protected. I started running around the school, avoiding spells and bricks and knights, looking for Draco. 


I turned around.

Suddenly, a chill went down my back as I saw two very familiar faces: Fawn and Courtney. 

Fawn's faces was covered in dirt, her hair in a messy ponytail behind her head. Courtney's normally blood-red hair was brown with dirt and mud, and her face had bits of ash and dirt on it. 

"Have you two been rolling around in mud?" I asked, trying to bring light to the conversation. 

"There are trolls," Fawn said casually, like it was a normal thing to fight trolls. "Where the hell have you been?" 

My brain stopped thinking; what could I tell them? I didn't want to lie, but they would hate me if I told them the truth. 

I took a deep breath. They might end up hating me, but I would hate myself if I lied to them about this again. 

I grabbed Courtney and Fawn's hands and pulled them into an empty classroom. The torches normally lining the walls were on the floor, unlit. It was dark, and desks were turned over or smashed. 

I turned to my friends, trying to calm my breathing.

"Do you guys, um, remember that flower thing that happened back in fourth year during the Triwizard Tournament?" 

They nodded. 

"Voldemort . . . he found about it, and he saw that I had a special power. He kidnapped me, and forced me to--to work with him."

Courtney looked saddened, slightly betrayed, and scared. Fawn grabbed my arm and pulled up my now torn and dirty white sleeve. 

Now noticing the ash on my previously-white shirt, I couldn't imagine how ashy by face was. 

Fawn gasped as she saw my Dark Mark. I pulled my arm back and rolled my sleeve back down.

"I'm so, so sorry, guys. Please--I never wanted to leave you guys, especially not to join Voldemort."

They didn't say anything. 

I nodded. "I have to find Draco. I'm sorry."

I ran out of the room, tears forming as I left my two friends behind once again. 

As I climbed the stairs to look for Draco, my footsteps echoed more and more in the empty hallways. 

Once I finally reached the sixth floor without seeing him, I started crying. I leaned against the wall and sat down, curling my knees to my chest and putting my head on my knees. Tears streamed down my face and fell onto my jeans. 

"Come on, we can hide over here." 

My head shot up at the voice. Draco turned the corner, and as soon as he saw me, rushed over to my side. 

Soon he was sitting next to me and I was crying into his shoulder. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, genuine concern in his voice. 

I just shook my head, sniffling as I tried to stop crying. I looked up at him. "Fawn and Courtney f-found out about my Dark Mark, I couldn't find you, I've been acting so strong for so long as it's so exhausting, I--"

I stopped talking when a searing pain came from my Dark Mark. Draco and Goyle winced too, having felt the same thing. I looked at them, and nodded. The Dark Lord needed us. 

𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt