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I pulled Draco's arm as he wiped his tears and put on a brave face. Dumbledore was dead, and we were all to blame. Snape, Bellatrix, the other Death Eaters, me, and Draco all had to get out of here as quickly as possible.

As I pulled Draco through the halls, Bellatrix approached us. "Go to Severus," she said, annoyance bold in her voice. "He'll get you two out of here."

Bellatrix skipped away, off to do damage to Hogwarts. Draco and I continued running through the halls, getting closer and closer to the doors. As soon as we left the Hogwarts building, Snape approached us and we all continued running.

Potter threw a spell at us, but I dodged and Snape fired back. I was too focused on Draco to help much. He was hurt, and scared, and disappointed in himself.

Snape suddenly grabbed my and Draco's arms and suddenly we were Apparating. I ignored the pain, having been used to it by now.

I looked up, and we were back at the Malfoy Manor. I felt Draco gently grab my arm, leaning against me for support.

"I have to get back to Hogwarts. Don't upset the Lord," Snape said briskly, Apparating away without another word.

Draco and I quickly ran inside of the Manor, glad to be in the almost empty and quiet mansion. Narcissa was still here, tending to random activities to keep herself distracted. The Dark Lord was planning somewhere, probably in his chambers.

We tried to stay quiet as we travelled through the mansion, avoiding any confrontation. I pulled Draco into my room and we sat down on my bed.

Draco immediately broke down crying, all of his emotions from these past few days finally bubbling over the edge.

I watched him cry, hugging him and trying to reassure him that we would be okay.

My attempts were futile, however. Draco and I both knew that there was nothing either of us could do against the Dark Lord.

"H-He told me that if I failed, h-he would kill my parents," Draco sobbed, trying to wipe his tears. "He already tried to kill my father. He would b-be dead if he hadn't been in Azkaban, but that's t-the whole reason he was threatened."

I waited for Draco to continue, just rubbing his shoulders as he cried into his hands.

"He told me that he would have killed you a long time ago if you didn't have that power."

I nodded, knowing that was true.

"Draco, if he tries to kill me, you, or your parents, I'll stop him, okay?"

"But there's nothing y-you can do, Y/n! I know you have this deadly power or something, but what can you do? The Dark Lord won't listen to you!"

I nodded again, continuing to rub Draco's shoulders. Thy shook while he cried, and we both decided it wad better to just stay quiet.


Draco and I didn't go back to school to finish sixth year, nor did we go back for seventh year. Times were changing quickly, and we had to be strong.

"Harry Potter and his little friends are on the run," the Dark Lord announced, his deep, cold voice loud in everybody's ears. We sat at a long table in a dimly lit room, listening to Voldemort talk about our plans as Death Eaters.

"We have set a jinx on the name 'Voldemort.' When anyone speaks my name," he said, his face growing smug, "I will be alerted. A small group of you will Apparate to the wizards or witches who dare say my name, and you will kill them."

Draco had his head up, face cold and emotionless. I knew that behind that stone-cold expression, he was upset by the fact that we had to kill hopefully innocent people, but of course we couldn't say anything.

"When I am alerted that a jinx has been set off, all of your groups will include Fenrir Greyback and Y/n L/n. These two will help you, and they can easily torture or kill anyone. Right, L/n?"

"Yes, My Lord," I said calmly, trying to hide my sudden fear.

"We are going to find Harry Potter and his friends, and fight them. But let me kill the boy."

I gulped. Nothing good can happen now.

𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋) Where stories live. Discover now