Chapter 3

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A/N: A sneaky early update for you guys!!! i just couldn't wait...hope you enjoty!!


Merlin has a strange feeling of day ja vu as he stood beside the dock where the Prince's sleek single pilot craft rested. Except, he reminded himself, this is not just a photo oppurtuinty and then he'll leave us alone. This is the first day of the longest month of his life. Merlin siged as the craft door hissed open and Arthur emerged, golden hair blazing as the brighter of the two suns peaked over the horizon covering the land in golden light and gilding everything it touched. It caught the minute fibres of Arthurs suit and Merlin almost scowled as he glowed before descending the steps to the shade of the dock. Stupid traitorous sun making him look like some kind of saint Merlin thought bitterly. He definitely did not think A very handsome saint and even if he did there was no denying the Prince's looks - girls boys and others all across the galaxy had his posters plastered on their bedroom walls and tucked into their lockers and diaries.

Arthur was followed through the door by his bodyguard - Merlin struggled to remember his name. Lee or something. The prince approached Gwen with a polite smile and Merlin forced his face into a passive mask. The best he could hope for was to avoid Arthur as much as possible, and be civil. Merling could do civil.

"Ms Nevere, thank you so much for allowing me to work with you" Arthur said with a winning smile and a handshake of Gwen's hand. Gwen bobbed an awkward half-curtsey and blush furiously.

"Oh please, call me Gwen. It's such an honour to have you. I mean for you to be be here. I - this is Merlin!! Which you know because he was here last time..." She trailed off and pressed her lips together as if to force herself to stop babbling. Arthur's smile did not faulter as her turned to Merlin to shake his hand also. Unecessarily, Merlin found this jarring. He'd been fuming about the prince's presense here since before he'd ever set foot on terra firma, and he was here pretending Merlin had shouted in his face or called him an arrogant prat? A petty streak ignnited in Merlin's mind.

"Your royal space highness." He said confidently meeting Arthur's eyes, and smirked as the Public Smile across his face flickered. He tried not to notice Gwen glaring at him out he corner of his eye.

"Would you like to see your accomodations for the moth? Lance here will show...your compation where to go." Lance gave the prince a bow-nod. He was the head of security for the camp - an unfortunately required position which at least gave Gwen the oppurtunity to see her husband as much and as often as she could. He was a dark-hairred man with olive skin and kind, deep brown eyes that Gwen often said she could melt into like chocolate. He was outfitted the the security team uniform - though calling it a uniform was being a bit generous. Cargo pants, black long sleeved top, dessert scarf and whatever stab vest fitted out of a selection that had been either donated, purchased, or however else things turned up here.

"This is Lancelot," Merlin said, gesturing towards the man.

"Your majesty." Said Lancelot, reverendly with a slight bow. Gwen smiled adoringly at her husband, his kind dark brown eyes fixed on the prince.

"And this is Arthur's personal guard... um..." Merlin gestured at Leon and flailed with an apologetic grin and arm at Leon.

"Leon." Leon provided. Stepping forward and shaking Lancelot's hand with his gloved one.

"It's an honour to meet you. While here, you'll be staying with me, or in my barrack room, at least." Lancelot explained.

"You don't live with your good wife?" Arthur questioned with a confused expression.

"We stay together when we can, sire, but our rolls are very different. The cause is better served with us being where we are needed." Lancelot explained. Gwen nodded along in agreement. ,The three of them trekked to the barranks where Arthur's kind faced and gentle haired bodyguard would be staying for the duration. Merlin pirately thought that a bodyguard would be staying closer to the body he should be guarding, but paid it no mind. Arthir was unlikely to irritate anyone enough to attack him when asleep, Merlin reasoned.

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