Chapter twelve

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To say waiting for Ryder to return was boring would be an understatement. I only expected him to be gone for a couple of hours but so far it's been five. My phone decided to die on me a few hours ago but luckily Ryder had the same phone as me so I just borrowed his charger

"I swear I'm going to kill that boy" I huff to myself lying stomach down on his bed. I had opted on changing my dress for one of Ryder's grey sweatshirts

I tossed, turned and fidgeted for another two hours before Ryder got back

"What the hell happened to you?" I ask sitting up from my lying position faster than ever

He had cuts and bruises all over his face with blood staining his t-shirt and from what I can see his chest area had received the same impact

"That's none of your business" he snaps his eyes cold, which was a look I haven't seen in them in a while

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, obviously while he was gone he picked up a fresh attitude as well "oh I'm sorry, your right it's none of my business I mean it's not like I was waiting here for seven hours for you to come back from a 'basketball' match"

"Well it's not my fault you're so obsessed with me you waited that long" he smirks but it's anything but his usual cheeky smirk

I roll my eyes and stand up from his bed. He gives my body a once over once while I throw his sweatshirt over my head and switch it for my dress. I'm at the door once he speaks again "I knew it'd be easy to get you into bed"

I let the hurt get to me for a few seconds before I turned towards him an unreadable expression on my face "Wow you really are a dick"

His smirk only widens "don't you know I'm a bad boy"

"my mistake"

I stormed out of the house and started the journey home. An hour later I was at the gym working out. My skin was literally glowing from from the sweat because I haven't pushed myself this hard in so long

I mean what was I thinking? Me and Ryder never got along, we always despised each other so why did I think anything would change like we'd magically be civil. I mean he was right he is a bad boy and he always has been, he may not have slept with all those girls but he still gets in fights, smokes and drinks so why did I think he was going to change his attitude

The old me would definitely not have waited seven hours for someone to come back. What was I thinking? I don't let people walk over me so why start now

I jogged home from the gym the events of the past day replaying in my mind. Why did he get in a fight? I roll my eyes at myself, why should I care

"Hey T" Emily grins once I walk in "little sweaty there yeah?"

I roll my eyes at her a smile on my face "just what I needed" I refill my water bottle and turn back towards her "what's up?"

He face brightens up at my question "I'moving out tomorrow"

I smile for her sake "I'm so happy for you"

Yeah my smile was fake. As annoying as it could be having a crying baby keeping you awake all night and Emily's music blasting through the house, I really was going to miss them. I already know the house is going to feel so empty without them, especially with mom out most of the time

"Is mom working again?" I ask, Emily definitely saw her more than me every time I was out she was back and vice versa

Emily nods "we need to get her to cut down on that"

"Tell me about it. So are you going to have a house warming party?"

She eagerly nods "of course I am I just need two or three days after moving in and I'll have it"

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