Chapter three

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   Dr. Grace Augustine sits up in her link, stretching and cracking her neck after a long session. She's clearly fifty, with a strong face and fiercely intelligent eyes. I think I'm gonna like her.
   Grace yelled, "Who's got my goddamn cigarette?!"
   A girl scurries to bring it to her, already lit. Around here they seem jump when Grace barks. The woman stands, scowling, as Jake, Norm and Max approach. Max smiled before talking to her. "And here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman and Ja-"
   Grace interrupted by talking to Norm. "Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?"
   Norm smiled upon hearing her compliment him before speaking in Na'vi, the language i was forced to learn. "May the All Mother her smile upon our first meeting."
   Grace nods approvingly, taking a drag on her cigarette. "Not bad. You sound a little formal." She replies in Na'vi.
"There is still much to learn."
   Jake waits while they ignore him, chattering in fluent Na'vi with an awkward look on his face.
   But Max speaks up, "Uh, Grace, this is Jake S-" Grace turned to Jake. "Yeah, yeah, I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother." She paused and looked at Max. "You know, the PhD who trained three years for this mission."
   Jake looked at her with a blank face. "He's dead. I know it's a big inconvenience to everyone." His voice dripping with sarcasm.
  "How much lab training have you had? Ever Run a gas chromatograph?"
  Grace looks at him with a deadpan look. "Any actual lab work at all?"
  "I dissected a frog once." I winced at his bad joke.
   Grace wheels on Max. "You see? You see? They're pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain." Grace turned and walked away. "I'm going to Selfridge."
   She shoves past Jake. "Grace, that's not a good idea." But she's already out the door and clomping down the corridor. Max turns to Jake with a pained look. "Here, tomorrow, oh eight hundred. Try to use big words."
   Norm walks beside us as Jake wheels us out of the room and back to the room we're staying in. I let out a tired yawn, today has been a tough day. Jake chuckles and ruffles my hair. And in return I stick my tongue out at him playfully. Jake is already like my big brother. I hope i can see his avatar in action soon.

~~morning 08:00

   "How much link time have you logged?" Grace asked the two men.
   Norm proudly stated, "Five hundred and twenty hours." Grace nodded towards him before giving jake a pointed look. " hour."
   "Tell me you're joking." Grace opens the hood of Jake's link unit. Jake starts hauling himself across from his wheelchair. She reaches to help him but Jake stops her, "Don't! I got this." Grace steps back, hands raised. And she watched as he drags himself into the unit. I gave him a sad look. I wish I could go with him.
   "So you just figured you'd come out here to the most hostile environment known to man, with no training of any kind, and see how it went? What was going through your head?"
   He meets her eyes with a defiant glare. "Maybe I was just tired of doctors telling me what I couldn't do." Grace watches him laboriously pull his inert legs into the link chair by hand.

"When are you coming back?" I whispered sadly leaning towards him wanting to be closer to the only person i liked in the room.
   "Don't worry maybe Grace will let you explore outside today." Jake looks at Grace silently asking her to watch me while he's gone.
   Grace squats down to be closer to my height, "Yeah I'll take you outside. But I'll be in my avatar body so I'll have Max bring you to the door." I smiled brightly at her.
   Jake fully lays down into the warm fluid gel packs lining the unit. It seems to enfold him. Grace adjusts his biometric sensors, then lowers the weird wired thing.
  "Relax and let your mind go blank. That shouldn't be hard for you." She said sarcastically.
   "Kiss the darkest part of my lily white-" But the slamming of the hood muffles the rest. I let out a sad sigh before laying on the floor as close to the pod as i could get. I felt lost without my newfound companion.
   The rest was a blur of doctors trying to get me off of the floor but ultimately failing due to my. That was until i heard Max saying he's going to take me outside. I leaped up at his words a hopeful smile on my face.
   He just lets out an amused scoff. Before leading me to the door. He put on an air mask. He offered me one and i denied. "I can breathe that air."
   "What? how?" Max questions calmly.
   "Umm i think it has something to do with mixing something." I said trying to recall what i heard the scientists saying. "I look human but i have a Tsaheylu and i can breathe their air. See?" I showed him the end of my braid which had little pink tendrils coming out.
   He kneels down examining my Tsaheylu carefully. "Fascinating. Well come on, lets get you outside."
   When we stepped outside the bright light of the sun blinded me for a second before they adjusted. My eyes first went to the forest. I felt a pull, like i was supposed to be out there.
   I took careful steps forward and walked off the concrete and onto the dirt. I felt in tune with my surroundings, like i was supposed to be here. Squealing in laughter i took off running. I ran and ran till i got to the line where civilization ends and the forest begins. Just then i saw a hole in the gate, just small enough for me to wiggle my way through.
   I looked back and saw Max talking to another person. Maybe if i went out there for just a few minutes I would be fine.
   I walked into the forest brushing my hand across the plants. The plants seemed to try and follow my hand. I kept exploring and it felt like forever, the huge green leaves, the blue flowers, the occasional bug buzzing past. The list could go on and on. Everything was so beautiful.
   I giggled and ran over to a group of Prolemurs in a tree. That tree is right on the bank of a fast paced river. I bent my neck to look up at them as they look down at me.
   One Prolemur in particular looks at me with an intense stare. It's eyes somewhat widened. It snatched a large fruit from the tree and leapt from branch to branch till it got to me. It then reached down to give me the fruit.
  Getting up on my tiptoes, I reached for the fruit. But i was shocked when the Prolemur grabbed my arm instead and brought me up with him as he climbed back up the tree. It was a trap.
   Screaming, i clung onto the only thing keeping me from falling. Once it reached where the others were it carefully put me on a sturdy branch before sitting in front of me.
   I looked at the creature slightly scared. But it just handed me the violet fruit. I take it nervously and bite into the juicy fruit, I danced in my spot as I ate the sweet yet tart fruit.
As I swallowed, I licked the juice off my lips and chin and nodded to the Prolemur who whooped at my expression. I smiled at her, "Thank you." 
   The Prolemurs and I played for hours.But when it started getting dark i got worried. Which way is the building? Hearing cackling in the distance i came with a conclusion to stay here where it's somewhat safe. I climbed towards the largest branch and laid down.
   Staring down at the riverbank  below, I let out a sigh. What if I lived out here. Sure i love Jake but living out here would be so much better than living in that boring grey building.
   Slowly my mind slipped into unconsciousness while listening to the rushing river below.

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