Chapter 11

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I ran towards where I heard loud shots and yelling. The undergrowth of the forest whipping my body, creating tiny cuts on my legs and arms.

Skidding to a stop, I let out a squeak. There was Neytiri's Ikran laying lifeless on the ground. How could these people be so cruel?

I looked up, scents were coming from all directions. But one unique scent stood out to me. It was mama.

I ran as fast as my little legs could take me. The only thing on my mind was the joy of knowing my mama was alive.

I burst into a large clearing and what i saw horrified me. There she was, alive and okay. But above her stood a giant metal man. Inside was a scary looking man with scars on the side of his head.

I picked up an arrow i saw laying under the bush and ran in front of my mama. I stared at the man defiantly, if he wanted my mama he had to kill me first.

"You think some child is going to stop me?" A robotic voice said in an amused tone. I let out a weak whimper, i am just a child. What can i do to him. "What? Are you gonna cry?"

I sniffled and held my arrow tighter. "I'm not crying, I'm just allergic to jerks!" I pointed the arrow head at him. Neytiri was heard behind me, panting and grunting in effort. The man raised his knife and she hissed. But we were saved by someone. They jumped into the clearing from the trees. "Give it up, Quaritch!" Jake yelled from behind the big robot-man. "It's all over."

The man flipped his knife, "Nothing's over while I'm breathing." His voice was so angry, I worried for Jake.

Jake smirked. "I was kinda hoping you'd say that." He then ran at the man, picking up a giant blade.

I turned to Neytiri, blood and dirt covered my body. Her eyes held tears as she glanced over my body. "Mama..." I whimpered, I went over and tried to help tug off the giant animal. Though i was probably not much help.

I looked up when i heard Jake scream in pain. The man had him dangling from his braid. I felt so helpless, nothing that i did would work.

Finally Neytiri was able to wiggle from underneath the Thanator. She leapt over me, and picked up a very familiar bow. Eytukan's bow, that was grandpa's bow.

She pulled the arrow back and aimed towards the two men. The arrow whizzed through the air and landed right in Quaritch's chest.

Grunting in pain, he gripped the arrow that impaled his chest. Another one ripped right into him, Neytiri ran towards the limp Jake and crouched over him. Quaritch fell to his knees and let out his last breath.

I ran toward the camp Grace told me that they put up. I jumped up , trying to see what was in there. There was human Jake, struggling to breathe on the ground.

"Mama!" My voice barely loud enough to be heard over the alarms. Her head snapped towards me. I pointed into the building, "Jake!"

Neytiri ran towards me in a panic, she looked inside one window and found Jake laying on the ground.

She ran to the open one and leapt in, I couldn't see anything that was happening. Honestly I hate being so small.


The fighting was over and so was the feeling of sorrow. I had my mama and i had Jake.

I looked around at line of sky people from my spot snuggled into Neytiri's arms. She has become extremely protective after the big battle, stating she wasn't letting me out of her sight until the sky people were gone. Which was understandable, I didn't want to leave her side either.


The whole clan sat there, surrounding the tree of souls. Our most sacred tree.
Jake was going to permanently be a Na'vi and no longer live in his human body. Or at least thats what Mo'at told me.

Mo'at called out, ceasing the singing, and signaled to Neytiri, who gently pulled the mask off of human Jake.

I watched in silent from my spot next to avatar Jake's head. Neytiri leaned down and gently kissed Jakes head.

I slowly started to lean over Jakes head, and i gave the biggest grin when Jakes gold eyes snapped open.


Yeah so thats the end, but if you want an after the movie little short chapter i could make one.
Thank you to all of the readers who stuck through the story and finished it. ❤️

The one who got away ~Avatar na'vi fanfic~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin