Love, Regret (part 2)

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"That i stopped wearing our wedding ring" Taehyung said.

This leave Jungkook speechless. He just stare at Taehyung's finger. No ring. From the looks of it, he stopped wearing months ago because if he stopped recently, it would've leave a ring mark on his finger. Jungkook is really confuse. When did Taehyung stopped wearing their wedding ring? Why did he stopped? Where's the ring now?

"I stopped wearing it six months ago. I wore it as a necklace now" Taehyung said, somehow he can guess that Jungkook is thinking. "Why did you stopped wearing it?" Jungkook asked. He started to get angry again. To see that Taehyung is taking off their wedding ring is not something that Jungkook appreciate. It took everything Jungkook got to stopped himself and put the ring back to where it belong. On Taehyung's finger.

"The real question is, why didnt my husband notice? You said we're doing fine, then why? Why didnt you notice? You started to call me 'Kim Taehyung'.. not 'Jeon Taehyung'. A year ago you suddenly stopped. Thats when you got confuse right? She was around. Dont get me wrong, im gay as hell but i still find her attractive. Let alone you, a bisexual. So i cant really blame you" Taehyung tears started to fall.

"We can still work it out if we just talk" Jungkook said. "There's nothing to talk about, Jungkook. Its over.. we're over. We cant be fixed. Our gay marriage was a critique itself. They doubt that we can make it but we did, we got married. We were happy, for a while. But of course, im insecure. Anytime you could've revert back. You could've choose a girl over a guy. Choose Lisa over me. Even if i didnt ask for a divorce, you would've divorce me anyway. Im scared... Jungkook-ah" this time Taehyung didnt fight the tears. He's tired of holding it back. He just wanted to be free from the pain he is feeling.

"I've seen the way you look at her.. its the look you used to give me.. its the look i gave you.. when i see you with her, it hurts. But yesterday was the worse, seeing you with her, and the little girl. Playing around and laughing together, eating together.. it hurts. Its not because im jealous.. it hurts because you three look like a family, a husband and wife with their daughter.. that happy expression you have on your face.. it hurts. It hurts because i finally realize, i cant give you that... that perfect family we always talked about... i cant give birth to your children, and i know just how much you wanted to become a father... so how am i suppose to feel, after watching that..." Taehyung is hitting his chest everytime he told Jungkook 'it hurts'

For the first time Jungkook knows exactly how Taehyung is feeling and he is crying with him too. Yet again, lost for words, not know how or what to say to Taehyung to make him stopped crying.

"I love you, jungkook ah. I love you so much and you deserve a family you always dreamed off" Taehyung continued. He walked slowly towards Jungkook.

"She can give you the family you deserved. It was never supposed to be me.. in just a passing wind.." Taehyung said again.

"I wore this ring for 3 years.. but i've loved you for 10.. the day you proposed was the happiest day of my life. You're my heart, the love of my life.. i will always love you.. but this is where our story ends. Be happy baby.. and never forget, you are the cause of my euphoria..." Taehyung take off his necklace with his wedding ring as its pendant and give it to Jungkook.

Taehyung's hand is shaking as he gave Jungkook the ring. He cant stop his tears from flowing. Jungkook grab and intertwine their finger with the ring in the middle. He is holding him as tighly as he can, as if he is scared that Taehyung is going to slipped away. Taehyung pull Jungkook's hand towards him and kiss it softly. He take one last look on Jungkook's face. Honestly Jungkook's face is a mess because he is crying. But Taehyung give him the sweetest smile and says "be happy".

He let go of Jungkook's hand, turn around and walk to the door.

"Taehyung-ah please.." Jungkook pleaded..

"Please..." But Taehyung keep on walking

"Jeon Taehyung!" Taehyung stopped but then he continue walking

"Dont leave me..." but Taehyung already walked out the door.. and Jungkook is left alone is their home.. crying.

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