Chapter 12: Leaving?

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I was sitting in the living room with Coles mom who is named Carley, Coles Dad who is named Collin, Cole, my mom, my dad, Snowflake, and Frosty.  I recently learned Coles parents names so.

"Winter." My dad said. "Yes." I said. "You have to go back with Cole. To the alpha kingdom." Dad said. "We wish you could stay and rule over the pack but, your his queen." Mom said with a sad smile.

She knew how much I've always wanted to rule the pack and show them that I was capable of it. That the pack would be stronger and grow more with me.

"I know. Frosty. When you take over this pack you better do a good job." I said sternly. He chuckled. "Will do Winter. I mean. I think I would want the pack to be stronger and bigger." He said with a sparkle in his eye.

Everyone stared at me and I finally smiled. "It's my dream to little bro." I said. "Really?! I was also thinking that if I got more pack members that maybe we could do a land expansion and then we could build up more houses instead of having most people live in the pack houses so that the pack house could be used for one of the packs that are staying they could help us." He said excited.

"You my friend have some major potential as the next alpha of this pack." I said while ruffling his hair.

"We should probably head out soon." Collin said. "You guys could stay the night." Mom said.

"I wish we could but, we can't. We have to head out tonight. It's a long drive." Carley said sadly. My mom sighed sadly and nodded.

"Get up winter. I want a hug." Snowflake said as she got up so I got up and she lunged at me.

I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. "You better visit." Frosty said as he joined the hug. "I will. Don't worry. Even if the big, bad alpha king won't let me come alone." I said as they both giggled.

Cole was shaking his head with a smile on his face. "Alright. When you come to visit, we can watch movies because I just discovered an app called Netflix. It's awesome. Then maybe we can cook together." Snowflake said excited.

"Alright. That will be great. I can't wait until I come back." I said. "Great. Then we could have a sleepover." She said. "Alright. You know what. You could have my old room. I know your thirteen and there is a lot of my old toys in there but, it's still has a lot of my good memories there. So take care of it." I said smiling while ruffling her hair.

"I will. Dad. You have to show me her room soon. Actually. Can you?" She asked me. I nodded. I took her hand as we started to run towards the stairs.

Once we were up the stairs we started to run down the hallway to my room. I opened the door. "The doors squeak but, dad will be able to help you with that. Mom could probably wash the bedding. Probably throw out those old clothes in the closet." I said.

"Maybe I could help a little bit before I leave. As the adults are talking." I said as I heard laughter with my wolf hearing. I heard Frosty nearing the bedroom as he was panting.

"You can stay tonight. Mom and dad talked them into it." Frosty exclaimed while jumping up and down. Snowflake screamed in happiness while jumping up and down. I heard the adults running.

I looked at my old desk and everything tuned out. My favorite wolf stuffed animal was on that desk.

It was a medium sized wolf stuffed animal that was all white with blue streaks. It was a white wolf but, I added the blue streaks myself because that's what I wanted my wolf to look like.

"Winter." My mom said worried. I finally snapped out of my daze and shook my head before walking to my desk. I opened one of the drawers that held my old drawings.

My mom snatched them from my hand and I turned my head from her. She was smiling as she went through them. "Mom." I said. She looked at me and chuckle nervously.

"I'm keeping these. For memories. And. Uhh anything else that catches my eye. Kay." She said. She started to go around my old room and took mini plushies and she took all my clothes from my closest. Well. Old clothes.

"Yeah. Winter, you should have probably cleaned this out before you saved us." Dad joked. "Mom. That's enough. Leave some of these behind. This is going to be Snowflakes room soon." I said.

"Fine." Mom sighed while holding the stuff she had and walking out. "I think she wishes you were a kid again." Carley said while smiling sadly.

"I kinda wish I was a kid too." I said. "You are. Your my kid." Dad said.

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