Chapter 2

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Blayne's POV

"We're going to be late again!" I scream at my friends as we rush to our vehicles. Living with my four best friends can sometimes be a pain in my ass. I wouldn't even call them my best friends, we're more like brothers now. We've known each other since we were all about seven or eight years old and have been inseparable ever since. 

"We're late every day!" Kyle, yells back.

He's right. We are late every day. If it wasn't for the fact that students and teachers were afraid of us, then we probably would have been expelled from school already. All the rumors that going around about us.... Some true and others aren't.

We walk inside of the school and head to Mr. Johnson's English class.

Twenty minutes late like always

"How nice for you to finally grace us with your presence." Mr. Johnson says with an irritated tone

"Aww... did you miss us?" Kyle says back to Mr. Johnson trying to piss him off even more.
Out of my four friends, I am closest to Kyle. We knew each other before all the shit that happened in our lives. He knows all of my deepest and darkest secrets. He's also the only one that can read me without me even saying a word. He's the joker in our group, but I trust him with my life.

As we walk to our table in the back corner of the classroom, I notice a girl sitting there. It's weird seeing someone at our table. My buddies and I all have the same schedule, and we are in the same group in every class. The teachers wanted to split us up, but like I said, even they fear us.

Why is there someone sitting with us now?! I hate people.

"Who are you and why are you sitting at our table?" I growl
She completely ignores me. She sits there and continues to read the stupid assignment that the teacher gave. Not once does she look up at me. I start to feel rage boil up inside of me, and I slam my fist on the table.

"I said who are you and why are you sitting here?" I growl even louder this time. Now everyone is staring at us

Without looking at me, she hisses "I'm here because this is my assigned seat. Why else do you think I would be sitting here?"

Fuck... is this girl giving me attitude? She's either crazy or stupid. She must have a death wish.

"Watch how you talk to me," I say in a low deadly tone. "Do you have any clue on who I am and what I can do to you? I am Blayne Macintosh. The school's bad boy. Guys are afraid of me and girls want me."

"I don't give a fuck who you are. You need to watch how you speak to me" she spat out. This time she looks me in the eye. Her eyes are emotionless. Normally when I stare into a person's eyes, I see fear or lust (if it's a girl.) But with this girl there's nothing. Not fear or lust. Instead it almost like she's dead inside. No life left in her.

Alex and Jared are now staring at us with their mouth dropping to the floor. While Kyle and Dylan are laughing their asses.

I can't believe this girl just fucking spoke to me like this. I mean even my friends, besides Kyle, won't speak to me like this. Who the hell is She?

"Dude! I like this chick. I'm Kyle" he says while laughing and introducing himself to her. I glare at him to shut up, but it makes him laugh even more.

The guys are trying to get her to talk when Dylan puts his arm around her. "I'm Dylan. So, babycakes, what's your name?" She seems to jump out of her skin at his touch and turns pale.

"It's none of your business," she says quickly while removing his arm as if she was being burned by his touch.

"Aw you are breaking my heart" he replies while pouting.

For a split second fear seems to flash through her eyes before they go dead again, and she starts staring at the ceiling. Once the color comes back to her face. She gets her stuff together but not before Alex grabs her schedule.

"Well Haley... it looks we are going to be spending a lot of time together," he says with a devilish smile.

"What do you mean?" She spat as she grabs her schedule from him.

" We have all the same classes." He says while laughing.

"Fuck me." She groaned silently, but we all heard her.

"Sure baby, but wouldn't you rather get it on in the janitor's closet?" Dylan laughs wiggling his eyebrows. I kick him under the table, and he gives me a look weird look. Trying to diffuse the situation, Alex introduces himself and Jared. Before anything else can be said, the bell rings

The moment the bell rings Haley tries running out of the classroom, but not before Dylan grabs her arm. "Come on baby, we'll show you to our next class. I'm a great tour guide."

She goes completely white before pulling her arm away from him and stuttering. "I. I. Need to go t-to the re-restroom."

Something frightens her, but I don't know what.

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