~Chapter 14~

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The normally azure blue sky was darkening with every step as we made our way to my mothers house. The birds all flying towards their homes rapidly seeking shelter from the looming storm. I shivered slightly from the cold winds as I wondered if those birds were the ones I had heard singing this morning.

Their melodies in the air died down as they huddled away from prying eyes, for warmth and security. My Mother's house was off into the country side where houses were spaced apart by a mile or so, the perfect location for my father to put her.

I held in a sigh as it almost made it past my lips, as I glanced over at Nate. If he had seen me he made no moves of recognition or even respect for my presence around him. His body gave off a harsh emotion making locals watch the two of us as we walked down the street. His whole persona had turned into the professional boss I had wanted at the beginning of our journey.

Now the feeling just gave me a foul taste in my mouth and watery eyes as I watched him distance himself away from me. I looked inward trying to find my own persona that had been lost since meeting him, the business side of me that pushed my emotions into the dungeon of my mind.

I flickered my gaze to his lips remembering the taste of them on mine, wondering if he was upset with me for crossing the line. But then I took a look back remembering who I was talking about, the man I fell in love with almost five years ago. The scruffy college boy I began to know and love, Allen Walker, and the sleek business man, Nathaniel Richmond, were one in the same.

Nick had been right all along they both held the warmth in their voice, and while their eyes may have been different colors their gaze was still the same. I tore my gaze from him finding myself only feeling more alone as I watched him.

"We are here Emily." We stopped in front of a ragged old gate that blocked our path from a small quaint cottage, garden and stones lined up as a pathway to the door.

Tears threatened to leak from my eyes as I realized how close I was, finally, to seeing the woman I had missed for so long. I looked towards Nate overcome with emotions and threw my arms around him, he tense immediately to my touch. I felt a spike of anxiety knowing he had never reacted to me in such a way before.

"Don't cry Emily, today's a happy day." He muttered his arms relaxing around me for a moment before he backed away from my arms.

"Happy Day." I muttered mostly to myself as I took ahold of the gate in front of me, feeling dread overwhelm my body. I shook my head violently heading inside the gate to look at the gardens more. Finding peppers and tomatoes, herbs of all kinds and flowers of many colors.

Nathaniel stayed behind the gate watching me as I walked to the door, almost tripping over the stone pathway. I brought my hand to the door taking a large gulp to shoved down the negative feeling in my stomach. I gave two brisk knocks to the wooden door, watching as it slowly inched open from the force.

I looked back towards Nate seeing his face soft with a small content smile settling on his face, encouraging me to continue on my path. I turned back to the door easing my way inside looking straight past the staircase and into the hallway, which had a side road leading into the living room.

"Alana? I was hoping I could talk to you?" I questioned as I glanced into the living room which was empty of anyone, I walked further down the hallway hearing the front door close behind me.

It opened up to the kitchen and dining room which were both as empty as the first, I looked out into the backyard debating going out their to try to find her but noticed how beautiful all her flowers were. I turned around running my hands along the furniture as I past, smiling to myself as I walked up the stairs.

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