~Chapter 18~

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(Emily's point of view)

March 8th, 2016

Fourth year, second semester

My father called me today again when I was with you Emily, he threatened to tell you everything if I didn't come home. I wanted to scream at him asking why he had decided to try now to control me, but instead I told him I would leave before graduation. I couldn't argue with him with you so close to me, but also because I couldn't bare to see your face once you realized I was a fraud.

Now I'm just sitting here drumming my fingers to a beat that doesn't exist, thinking about how your going to take the news once I'm gone.

I'm half tempted to give you this journal so you can know how I feel about you, because darling there's two years of love here. Waiting for you until the end of time remaining frozen until your heart unfreezes it again.

My Uncle, James, reached out to me recently offering me the position of his heir. He had recently met a woman that made him swoon and he no longer cared for the business as much as he should. I could understand that because darling I would surrender everything for you.

Emily, take me to the depths of hell and the skies of heaven. No matter where we are my heart will still beat to the music that is your voice. My soul finds yours captivating, circling you like your the sun in the sky.

I wish I could tell you these words Emily, because you have hopelessly changed my heart with the love you've given me by being there. You may not feel as well for me as I but I hope on day you can forgive me for leaving.

My Father is a horrible man who only approves of what he believes is best, he told me today my brother was getting married. Apparently he thinks I care about whoever the unfortunate soul is that will have to deal with him as a husband.

The only regret I will ever have in this life will be not getting the opportunity to put a ring on your finger.

Sincerely, AWNR.

All the air in my lungs jumped into my throat as I read the beautiful words he used to describe the length of his love for me. But also felt a sense of hope reading the words he had chosen for us, that perhaps I could find him and maybe one day he wouldn't have that one regret.

With a new vigor and filled with energy I sprang from my spot heading towards the door, even if I had no idea where they were I would never stop fighting. I made my way down through the lobby only to be stopped by Normand.

"Normand, Bonjour." I smiled a bright fake smile not at all concerned that he may notice my annoyance to his presence. I needed to find anything that could help me save my loved ones.

"Bonjour Belle Emily." He responded taking my hand and placing a small kiss on the palm.

"Are you in a hurry Belle?" He asked me with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he tilted his head like a puppy. "I need to ask you about the menu at Le Fantome Francais."

My resolve was close to my breaking point as I let him lead me to the restaurant and multiple waiters began to bring out mouthwatering food. The more food he brought out the more time past until I had been sampling food for several hours. Losing any chance I had originally had to find Nate or any clues about his where abouts.

On the brighter side of the coin the I had managed to stomach the food I had ingested, and we finished the menu for Le Fantome Francais. I thought of my favorite meal that he had served to me while the elevator took me to my destination, Pot-au-feu, and I was saddened that Nate didn't get the opportunity to try the meal.

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